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Thinking of emigrating to Canada..?


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With the arrival of our son some 15 weeks ago my wife and I have been thinking of

starting a new life in Canada. She is a head of Dept at a school here in the UK and I

have been shooting weddings now for some 3 years, about 30 a year.

I would love to carry on photography in someway but realise if we were to move I

would be very flexible in what I would do for a living.

So my question(s) are ...Does anybody need an assistant?!!!!

Have any of you out there been in my situation and started a business up in Canada?

It would be great to get any views that people have on this.

You can see the kind of work I do at ...www.simoncook.net

Thank you for your time.

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What part of Canada are you thinking of settling in? Canada is not homogeneous in either character or climate. There are a few considerations. You might want to settle in a place that is close in population size to what you are used to. If you like moderate temperatures, you might wish to settle in British Columbia. If you like vibrant cities, Toronto would be the place to be.


Have you approached Canadian Immigration for information about becoming a permanent resident? If not, you might want to check the Government of Canada website for immigration info.


Good luck.

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If you're a competent wedding photographer there, you can be a competent wedding photographer here. Just expect that it'll take a while (maybe a long while) to start over.


As has been mentioned, Canada is big and not homogenous in culture or climate. If you're considering moving, consider where you want to live (or, where your wife will need to live so she can work), and then research the competition there before making any decisions.


Good luck!

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Why specifically Canada? My vote goes for Australia!


Heck they let anyone in!


Sydney... in that big park in between the Opera and Rushcutter Bay and the surrounding harbor with all of the tiled houses in around the harbor.


Cairns... rainforest, Great Barrier Reef. Plenty of destination services you could provide!


I love Canadians but I wouldn't like the idea of living in an igloo six months out of the year.

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In reference to Australia letting anyone in, I don't think so. There's an age limit put on immigrants/permanent residents. I believe that age is 45 but this is anecdotal and should be checked out in case you no longer see Canada's hinterlands as attractive.


Igloos? That stereotype went out during the 1970s! Global warming has taken care of that so you don't have to worry about your ice bed melting as you sleep.


Seriously, if you want to find a good spot for both you and your wife, it's time to break out a good tour book for starters. Try the Lonely Planet and at least see what each city can offer.

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