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Photos from the top of the world. Advice?


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I'm going to take some group and portraite photos on the helicopter

platform on the top of a 40 storey hotel tomorrow. The point for the

customer, a travel agency, is to show their employees with a view to

the whole city. The city itself (Bangkok) is as flat as a pancake, and

there are no other high building obstructing the view.


I will probably use Fuji NPS 160 and Ilford PanF Plus. I find the

combination of people (a mix of westerners and Asians), lots of

(hopefully) blue sky and a distant city a challenge.


Have anyone done this before? Any advice with regards to filters and

film alternatives to the ones I've chosen? Any particulars angles that

will give nice effects?

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Jorgen, if you can stand anymore altitude, a ladder would be a great idea so that you can

get just people and panoramic vistas (no rooftop flooring) and I would suspect that a

polarizer would add some pop to the sky... Some fill flash would work too, especially if you

back-light the people. Sounds like fun!


All the best, Andre

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Thanks for the answers. I'll bring a ladder. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a fish-eye, but I'll take the 21mm with me.


Yesterday, the sky was perfect blue here. Looks cloudy today, but that may change within minutes.... to anything from perfect blue to a tropical rainstorm. I'll take a few rolls of Tri-X and NPZ 800 as well to be on the safe side.

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