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Multiple Photographers?

todd frederick

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It's great for me having a woman as the second shooter. She covers the ladies getting ready and I shoot the guys. Then when everyone is decent - we switch off. Great for capturing different perspective.


I shoot from near the alter and she shoots from the back of the church.


She poses the formals and I shoot.


At the reception we shoot from opposite sides of the action (and try not to get each other in the picture).


And by the way, I can have a whole bag full of extra bodies & lens but a second shoot is the ultimate back-up system!

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For the situation you are mentioning, yes I use assistant photographers. Hopefully you live in a town where you have either a photo-club, or even better a professional guild. I've found many eager people who want to learn Wedding Photography at such meetings.

Thus far I haven't booked anything that required more than myself and one other photog. Denis Reggie is a whooe other league, and for what he is charging I'm sure that people expect plenty of coverage.

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Todd, You could have 3-4 photographers and still miss some things. There are a million stories in the naked city, and every member of the bridal party, the family, and all the guests offer the potential of alot of stories. One bad photographer also offers stories to the B/G's big day....like the goofball that was laying on the floor at the couples feet to get a shot, with a unique angle, during the ring exchange (true story, I didn't see it but heard all about it from the Catholic priest when I photographer at the Cathedral the following week). Or the 2 photographers who along with the videographer surrounded the couple on the dance floor during their first dance along with their cheers of "look this way" and "dip her man...DIP HER!" Granted it can be nice to have 2 photographers with quality experience covering the day but a single seasoned wedding photographer can anticipate most of the moments and create a few of his/her own. Today, with PS you can put a point & shoot digital camera in an assistants hands and likely come away with a few usable images and sometimes a really nice image.


Frankly, I work with a good quality studio as a lead shooter and they always send an assistant/2nd shooter, it's nice but it doesn't take any of the pressure off for any of the "must have" shots & ultimately I am still responsible for telling the story.


Bottom line, how much more can a 2nd camera add to the total package and how "lean & mean" are you with your prices. I offer a 2nd shooter ale carte but most B/Gs look at my work, my albums, some complete weddings and then they ask if I needed a second shooter for those, well, uh, no..........Attached is an image from last Saturday's story, nothing really new or trendy about selective focus and a cross star filter, more like tradional story telling.<div>00Dc5w-25732384.jpg.5110e33b93ef4c3ca201eced6d992017.jpg</div>

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