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Rokkor 45mm 2.8???

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<p>I shan't repeat what's pretty clear from <a href="http://members.aol.com/dcolucci/minolta.htm">Dan Colucci's page</a>.</p><p>A fleabay auction linked from the bottom of that page boasts that the lens is hard to find. Like most such boasts on fleabay, this is untrue: <a href="http://www.kevincameras.com/">Kevin</a> usually has at least one, moderately priced. (Right now he has a "99% mint" example for the same price as the fleabay "buy it now". I know which I'd regard as more reliable.).</p><p>It's compact. To change aperture, you have to grasp the aperture ring with one hand and the focus ring with the other; otherwise an attempt to change aperture will refocus. Of course hoods for this lens aren't so easy to find: my own is a push-on for some species of "Pigeon" (Shinano) camera. A push-on hood is a fall-off hood, which doesn't help (especially as I have no spare).</p><p>Optical quality is pretty good but nothing stunning. To be honest I haven't used mine much: I just noticed that they were interesting looking, cheap in the youess, and about twice the price here, so I thought I had nothing to lose by getting one from the youess. I've read that the later 50/2.8 is better. (I've also recently read that the Canon 50/2.8 is first-rate from 2.8 all the way down to f16 or whatever.)</p><p>Sorry not to be so helpful.</p><p>A comment above: <em>Never heard of it.</em></p><p>Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.</p>
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<p>Frank, It had never occurred to me that anybody would be interested to learn whether <em>I</em> had heard of something, or that threads such as this would be improved by such comments. But perhaps I've been wrong. Or then again perhaps it depends on the person, and <em>your</em> every thought -- e.g. about the pristineness of this or that toy of yours, or what has been placed on or demoted from your shopping list -- merits publicizing on Photo-Net and storing for the forseeable future on its servers.</p>
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