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Who made JC Penny brand lenses with Nikon mount?


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Any chance your lens is marked "Made in Japan," or "Made in Korea?"




Kiron (?) used to make some lenses for retail stores. Some Sears lenses were 'put together' in Korea. Not much good quality then, not much good now.

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Sears in Detroit once sold a Tower TLR with a Nikkor lens. Sears also sold a Tower 35mm slr with a Nikon F mount. Sears also sold Nikon F's; and real Nikkors for them. Sears once had a huge photo catalog; and in larger cities was a huge local camera store; that sold Nikon rangefinders; Kodak Retina; then Nikon F's.
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Some of the Sears branded cameras and lenses were pretty interesting. During the 1970s most Sears branded cameras were actually rebadged Ricohs with Pentax K-mounts. Good cameras.


At least one Sears branded lens I've seen in a pawn shop was identical to a Vivitar, a well regarded fast 100mm with true continuous macro focusing. However it's still a challenge to determine the maker because Vivitar didn't make lenses either - at most it designed the lenses and contracted out the manufacturing. Sometimes they simply bought an existing lens and relabeled it.


JC Penney is even more enigmatic. There may have been dozens of nearly anonymous Asian manufacturers of lenses and optical devices toiling behind the scenes. Several have been identified through research into the more interesting Vivitar Series 1 lenses, but other makers may never be identified.

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I lack the time and connection speed this morning, but you might try mining this extensive site for more infomration. I seem to recall that somewhere buried in there is a list of who made what:




It wasn't that long ago that J.C. Penney, like Sears and Montgomery Ward, was a full-catalog outfit, offering just about everything. Like Sears, they had their own house brands of many items. Sears always had some advantage in that they actually own their own applicance manufacturing facility, but they all did a lot of relabeling of other things as well. Some were even the same; for example, both Sears and JCP sold slightly restyled Smith Corona typewriters under their own name.

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