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Tempted to Come Back to Leica

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I'm back shooting Delta 400 with an old Nikon after some time in the digital world. I miss

my M6TTL, and I'm kinda-sorta, thinking about getting another Leica.


What is an M6 classic going to cost these days, and where are the best deals? The prices

look like they went up at the big dealer sites.


Or, just talk me out of it ;^)

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"the prices [Leica] look like they went up at the big dealer sites."


"did you sell it to invest in digital?"


I don't think there's a single digital camera that has seen it's price go up (small camera shops are suffering because they buy stock then have to sell it at a loss as prices change so quickly).


I think invest is the wrong word ;-P

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Someone asked if Dan has shot with an M3. He might as well have. I ran into him at a

peace rally in Dallas and he was shooting with an M6ttl with no battery. He claimed to like

that arrangement better (no meter). He did have a handheld meter.


Dan <grin> I hope all's well. You know you couldn't jump back in the forum without at

least some kind of kidding from me.

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Hi John; glad to see you're still hanging around.


I moved last year and lost my darkroom, but I'm getting one back together again, and

starting to shoot more film. I've got an F3 that I'm using AF Nikkors on, which is fine

really. I also still shoot the D100, which is holding up well being nearly 3 years old now.

But, a user Leica with 50 Summicron would be dandy :-) I'm open to an M2 or M3 (or

M6ttl). I still have my handheld meter.

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[What is an M6 classic going to cost these days,]


Have you thought to look at what the resellers are offering?


[and where are the best deals?]


Probably from a silly tosser who'd bought one just to show that he could, and now has tired of watching it gather dust upon his bureau.


[The prices look like they went up at the big dealer sites.]


Well then if you know what they're offering, why then did you ask what they cost?



[Or, at least talk me out of it ;^)]


Yes, by all means, do inquire amongst the butchers if you should remain a vegan.

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