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Uncropped 21mm Elmarit shot. F8 on Fuji 200 speed color print film; Nikon Coolscan

film scanner. The light is coming through a large bank of south-facing windows on

Labor Day morning earlier this week. Tripod? For sure.


I tried this same shot some weeks ago with my 25mm Canon lens but those results

cried out for just a little more angle.


Before you ask, no, I don't remember the exact brand of piano but it is new and of

asian origin. (Possibly Korean.)


I like the colors especially the red felt and the warm wood of this instrument which is

used in a church.<div>00DUAU-25565484.jpg.32613b9a907afedfc873852173584775.jpg</div>

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I don't know why you mention that this shot is uncropped - do you think it should be? I find the picture very busy, with no central point of interest/focus. At the same time being a quite "informative" wide angle shot it doesn't have an abstract's qualities. The colors and reflections are nice, though. Since you seem to have a chance to go back there: dig deeper. Try to exclude the busy and focus on the core pictorial qualities of the instrument, as above. Have fun! :-)
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I've got two folders full of these things as well as a current exhibit.


I don't think you can get the piano and its reflection to work together unless you use layers which would end up looking rather fake. I also think that you would have a better shot if you got inside the piano and left out the rim, other case parts, and the wall which clutter up the edges.

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