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Polaroid in South Africa


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Hi everyone


I recently bought a Linhof Technica III which came with a polaroid

545 land back. I have tried to get hold of some type 55 for

alternative processes but it seems that the stuff is either extremely

expensive ( about twice the price of that in the US! ) or not

available at all. It also isn't worth shipping it in from Adorama.

Does anybody know of any local suppliers in South Africa?



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The last time I purchased any LF film in SA it was about double the price of the same film in the US, so it would seem to be the norm. However, I'm not sure what altenative processes you are considering, but you should be aware that the negatives produces by type 55 Polaroid, while very suitable for printing on silver based paper, are likely far to thin i.e. lacking in contrast, for most alternative processes which typically require negatives of a considerable contrast range for good results.

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It's possible to increase the contrast of Type 55 negatives by increasing development time.


It's also possible to intensify the negatives after the fact using the same methods that would be used on any other film negative -- selenium toning is one, bleaching and redeveloping with a staining developer like pyro another (and the latter can be repeated to further build density and contrast), as well as chromium and mercury intensifiers (less likely to be available, since they are very specific to intensifying negatives instead of being useful in general).


Jarryd, it's most likely going to be cheaper to obtain some standard 4x5 or 9x12 cm film holders and locally purchase sheet film to fit them than to use Type 55 for any length of time -- even if you have to purchase equipment and chemicals to develop your film. Type 55 isn't really better than some other films available in this format, including Efke, Foma, and yes, Kodak and Ilford products -- all of which are likely to be closer to reasonably priced where you are. I'd suggest checking what film size is common in your area (4x5 or 9x12) before buying holders, though, because though the holders interchange on the camera, the film doesn't interchange in the holders.

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