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4x5 used film storage in a pinch


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I'm on a two week trip on the Massachusetts coast and forgot to bring

an extra 4x5 box to download all of my film to (Let me say here that

this was an abysmal idea, this I know). I need something ASAP. So:

does anyone know a place that would likely have an empty 4x5 box on

the North Shore of Massachusetts? Boston? South Shore? OR: Is there

anyone in this area with an empty 4x5 box.


OR (And this one is a more general question): is there anything you

could use as light-tight storage for 4x5 film when you're in a

situation like mine? Is there a macgyver way to take an orange, a

bible, and 3.4 ballpoint pens and somehow come up with something?




Thanks! -Jesse

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I believe you should have brand new box of film as well, so I don't see where is the problem. Each box of film has three parts( boxes) and as you get into changing bag, first offload exposed film into one of the parts of the box, then load new film and leave exposed film in the box. New film that is not loaded is in aluminum pockets anyway, so there is no chance of mix up. If you went without fresh box of film, then you don't have to offload anything because you don't have unexposed film to load in,..no?
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I bought a pack of opaque black plastic bags for film and paper at Zeff Photo in Belmont, MA about 9 months ago. But I don't know if they still carry them, as their stock is in a constant state of flux.


Also check with W. B. Hunt in Melrose. If nothing else, they probably have some moderately cheap expired film you could scavenge the box from. (Heck, the inner sealed pack would keep it safe.)

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The suggestion to go and beg, borrow, or be absolutely nice to one of the photo labs is

the preferred recommendations. :)


Secondly, you could always buy a brand new box of film and store exposed film in it.

Then, when you're running short on the film you brought... you'd have extra film available.


A box of 10 sheets isn't that terribly expensive and, eventually, as you shoot... you're

going to need film anyway! :) Now, you'll have it!


Alternatively, if you go to Home Depot... they have these extra heavy-duty plastic garbage

bags. You can use one of those if you wrap them over and over several times. And,

chances are you'll have to do that because these bags are NOT small! :) But, it should do

the job!



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yeah, i would think a pro lab that processes 4x5 would be able to help. alternatively - i work at the aforementioned Hunt's,and i imagine they could scrounge up some cheapo film you could buy for the box....maybe $10 or so. or you could just dish out $20 for a box of nice new film. there are several stores in MA. i'm sure there are also lots of other stores selling 4x5 around here.


if you're really super stuck and/or super broke for some reason, i could give you a box if you wanted to stop by the store in Melrose (north shore). i'll be there tomorrow.



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Aluminum foil from the nearest grocery store will provide a completely light tight wrapper. Wrap it once with the folds on the bottom then again with folds on the top. Store it where it cannot be nicked or perforated. I've used this many times over the last 40+ years and it has never failed.
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I once successfully used a little box within a larger box (both kept closed with rubber bands) to store exposed film for a long trip. I bought some (relatively inexpensive) office supplies I otherwise didn't need from a local Office Depot because they came in the appropriately sized boxes I needed.
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