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sigma 500/7.2 to eos digi

a long time ago

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Sadly that lens is from a generation of Sigma lenses that aren't compatible with later EOS bodies and it can't be rechipped to work with them. I know that KEH always attaches a warning to its listings of incompatible lenses, so it seems you missed the warning when you bought the lens. The lack of compatibility is one reason the lens appeared to be cheap.
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Try to mate it with a D30. This is the oldest Canon DSLR so it may work (tough I doubt it). Used D30 bodies may still be in the shops and are very cheap. Go to a big store and try.


But hey, is this lens optically any good? It's a prime but it's a very old Sigma prime.


In the end, as you found out for yourself, YGWYPF.


Happy shooting,


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