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Too risque ?

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Having just spent some time browsing through Stacy N's indian wedding

(nice to browse if you have a moment), and upon seeing a certain imag,

I remembered this shot I took in July (also on the 9th) this year. I

had thought it to be quite a neat shot until my wife and best critic

said it was too risque for most people's taste.


Your thoughts would be much appreciated, thanks...

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Just one other quick thought. I've posted alot of images on forums and in my website. If I really considered an image to be "risque" it would never be seen on the internet, I want my clients to know that I'll honor their privacy, especially the ones that are willing to push the envelope and border, or cross the border on risque. And, I do have some "juicy stuff" in the files...
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niether of the above shots are at all offensive. it's not like you posed them in some

compromising position, it's what they were doing naturally.


I'm not going to post any lurid or explicit photos on this forum but if you could see some

of the stuff I've shot! I've had a few brides request some interesting photos for the

grooms eyes only.


weddings make people go crazy.

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I stared at that photo last night for at least five minutes trying to find the risque thing. It looked to me just like the bride and groom kissing holding their hands up. Was that it, bondage symbolism or maybe the object on the upper right suggested a phallic symbol? I sure couldn't get it. Maybe the bottom of the bride's dress up? I guess I don't have a dirty mind (although my wife would differ) but could someone point out the risque in it?
James G. Dainis
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I'm not a wedding photographer, so take my comments with an uniodized and massive grain of salt. I do believe that while it's a socially liminal photograph, its importance an any wedding album is enforced by that fact that it looks quite candid and natural and that it (when partnered with other more formal and traditional images) reveals the more 'fun' and 'true' side of the wedding. Furthermore, because the shot just implies naughtiness and that 'other' side of the wedding but does not explicitly convey it, I think that it is thus welcome in most albums.
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