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Ideas for a Christmas card

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Hope this is not an inappropriate question for this forum.


I am going to be shooting a family (3 kids and 2 adults) portrait for a Christmas card. I will

probably be shooting it in their home and right now I'm thinking of just using a white

paper roll for the background and just having Christmas art on the card and just dropping

the photo in.


I don't have any Christmas themed background and I really don't want to try to Photoshop

them into a fake background.


If anyone has any suggestions or can point me to any examples I would greatly appreciate



I will be shooting with a 20d, two AB 800s, softbox, umbrellas, etc. I am really just looking

for background and card examples.



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Jeffery, Walmart has fabric. I have bough a few yards and use them as backdrops. Some have work very well and others have worked very poorly. Perhaps there is a background that you could use.


Mark, We do the same thing for Easter. Easter floats about a month and Easter is the day we always dress up. We have been lucky that it has never rained, but we have very bright and a warm sun one year and snow and not so warm another year.

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