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Old folders and using 220 fim?

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Afternoon all, I just came into some free fim. I recieved 2 propacks

of 220 film and some other odds & sods. Another wedding photographer

gone digital. I was wondering if there would be any reason I could not

use it in my old Balda Folder. I am assuming the paper backing is

numbered upto 16 for 6x9, 24 for 6x6 etc... Its look like it would

work anyway. Does anyone have a reason why it would be a problem?

Thanks all Brad

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Depends how adventurous you are.


If you want to do it 'just because', it can work.


I ran a couple rolls thru a Moskva V with the 6x6 mask taped down & spray painted black to 6x4.5. I tried to calculate winding relationships, then just ran a developed roll thru and counted turns. I made a table of turns vs. exposures (gets shorter as the take-up spool fills up). I then made a table for 6x6 and 6x9 and put them in a luggage tag to travel with the camera.


I had light leaks I couldn't completely track down. I got sick of it after a while, but still have a couple rolls left...I'm bound to try it again soon, maybe in a different camera..


Daryl Duckworth has run 220 thru 6x9 cameras...check out

www.creative galleries.com and find him there...serious camera mutation projects.



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