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Seconf-hand cameras in Torongo or London (ontario)

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Not sure where you are coming from but these stores, and any others in Toronto/London, are very expensive. KEH.com and B&H are much better, even when we in Canada have to exchange our dollar and pay all the taxes. Not sure if you have looked recently but our Canadian dollar is trading much stronger than it was 18 months ago.
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Thanks John, Mr. Smith for the responses. I am in Mallorca (Spain), and I know that in the USA and Canada exists a good trade of second-hand cameras. In my travel to Canada I will look forward to find good price lenses, not so easy to find here. I will visit the adresses you give me. Thanks again.
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In London, try Stan C. Reid's, he has an internet site. There is also a dealer downtown London, but offhand I cannot remember the name.


Also, in Burlington, near Toronto, Burlington Camera usually has a good selection of used. In Hamilton, Bel Arte.


As far as US/Canadian prices go, as one of the poster's said it varies. I've compared prices on both sides of the border, and if one ignores the taxes (which you can get back if you are a visitor to Canada and you take the camera out of the country with you) there isn't mnuch difference between the prices on most equipment. There is more of a difference on none consumer items like panorama cameras or large format, that sort of thing, but a DSLR on something, not much difference.

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