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Question for canon 20D and XT owners


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Please excuse me if this seems like a dumb question.


I take paid photography in my very small town. Everyone is very

happy with them and I am becoming more happy with them.


I have a canon 20D and a few different lenses. Canon 17-85, Canon

50, Canon 85, and Tamron 28-300.


I have a 580ex speedlite as well


I am looking to purchase the canon XT for my backup camara.


Would this be a good backup camara for the 20D? I have read that

they are pretty similar, but there is such a difference in the

prices that I wasn't sure.


I have read the reviews and think that it sounds like a very nice

camara and would still allow me to shoot all manual in RAW mode.


Would all my of lenses and flash work as well?


I was just curious if anyone might have this setup already and if

they were happy with it.


Thank you so much for reading and any advice you might have for me.


Here is a collage that I made for a wedding that I shot 2 weeks

ago. I had it printed on metallic paper and I think it turned out

very nice.


thanks again! Amber<div>00DPXn-25449684.jpg.0e6551609dd4c147a3801d1ba6b9ebce.jpg</div>

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I don't own either of the 20D or the XT but I have tried both and can assure you that all your lenses will work on the XT identically as on the 20D. I'm not 100% sure about the flash but it will work identically as on the 20D too.


The difference comes from


- form - the XT is smaller and feels more plasticky


- usability - some things you can change easily in the 20D are hidden several button pushes away on the XT. For instance, the XT lacks the thumb wheel on the back for quick exposure compensation. Otherwise most things you can do with the 20D you can do with the XT, just maybe a bit slower.


- viewfinder - the XT has a slightly smaller viewfinder but more widely-spaced focusing points


- image quality - the XT images are perceived to be _slightly_ less sharp


Essentially, the XT is be the best backup body at the moment for a 20D, other than another 20D or a film body.


BTW, your collage is very nice.

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Thank you both very much! The link has lots of information. That's the first I had found that compared them side by side


and I appreciate the individual breakdown of the differences too.


I hated to shell out the money for the 20D again, and thought that maybe I could justify the XT by saying that since it's smaller I could use it more as my camara for taking everyday pictures of the kids too.


Thanks alot, you've been a big help.



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Hi there,

I am actually trying to make a purchase decision on this camera (20D) versus the (Rebel XT). I'm leaning heavily toward the 20D. I know someone who does photography in California, she started with the old Rebel EOS 300 (6 mp version) and recently upgraded to the 20D. She LOVES the 20D and says the XT is a great back-up for her, so hopefully this is good information for you.


ps... I love your collage! Would be interested to look at more of your work. I am just on the brinks of doing some work for pay as people keep asking me to take photos for them. That's why I need a better camera and I'm thinking the 20D would be a great starting place. I have a LOT to learn, but I love taking pictures and everyone tells me that I have an eye for a good photo.... so, here I venture forward.


Kristy :)

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thanks for the compliment.


I have a website that you are more than welcome to look at.




Obviously they really aren't that great of pictures. I have no formal training and just got started this venture in the spring of this year.


If you go to the bottom of the main page, there is a password protected folder of the wedding that I made the collage for.


password = rick


I was happy with my formals, everything else needs some work. I have flash issues right now. I know that my flash is capable of doing a lot, it's more me learning how to utilize it properly.


thanks again for compliments.


This applies to everyone:


Any critiques on the wedding photos or the website in general are welcome.



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One downside of the XT as backup for the 20D, is that the batteries

are not compatible. Of course you could buy a lot of batteries for

what you'd save on the XT, but it means you have extra items to check, carry etc.

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I have been using the 20d for nearly a year and recently picked up the XT for backup. Of

course I would rather have 2 20Ds but I am very happy with the XT. You can pick one up

nearly new on FM for $700 or less. Both of these bodies are best in class. I love that the

XT is for all practical purposes just as speedy operationally as the 20D, the big exception

being the FPS speed, shouldn't be a factor for a wedding shooter.


The controls and operation are slightly different but no big deal, its very easy to go back

and forth. The build of the XT is behind the 20D but since its a backup and should receive

less use, should be fine. The key thing for me is that using the XT is not a downgrade for

all practical purposes from the 20D since they share so many of the underlying

technologies. I wouldn't feel that way with a lesser or older model.

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The XT would have been more than adequate for my skills and needs, but I ended up chosing the 20D for one reason only -- it simply felt more comfortable in my hands. I have small hands, but the XT still felt too small for me and the 20D felt more like the Canon EOS 650 film camera that I first started taking pictures with (and only recently sold on Ebay). You should make every effort to actually handle the cameras and compare their very different feels before purchasing one of them.
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I would suggest some fill flash for some of the ambient light portraits, great stuff for your first year or so!


OT: How do you like hosting on photosite? Do you find site management, upload, etc. workable? I gather no direct customer purchases through photosite, or does it support transactions?

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Amber -


My question is this - would you feel comfortable shooting an entire wedding with the XT? If yes, then consider the XT. If no, then I say strike it and buy a second 20D.


Yes, a second 20D. Both as a backup and a second camera.


The reason is that things happen quickly at weddings, and I find that having two bodies w/ two separate lenses makes me a LOT faster when I need to be faster.


Remember that if all goes well, your backup camera is a poor investment - it just stays in your camera bag gathering dust (and depreciating) while you shoot weddings with one body. I get value out of both cameras by using them both at a wedding, instead of just keeping one as a backup.


Yes, it was an expensive investment, but having two 20D's has paid off for me in a number of situations. PLUS there's no having to remember small differences between the two cameras. I put one down, pick up the other and it's exactly the same. I can operate my 20D in dark reception halls - can you do that with a less familiar backup camera?


If you are going to start shooting with two cameras, the 20D has a better build quality, faster focusing and is more durable. Also looks tougher, which may or may not matter when shooting weddings.


I didn't see any weddings rates, I'm not sure what you are charging, but having two bodies mean being able to capture things faster, which means better moments, which means better prints and better clients and better rates (more or less). I used to charge cost + $200 a day for wedding photography, and now it is significantly more than that.


A few other random questions - are you marketing your wedding work as B/W only? I only see B/W images in the wedding gallery...


Also - spell check your website slides a bit (maimum instead of maximum, etc.).





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So here's my update.


I was all set to buy the XT last night, even had my credit card number entered in the fields required, then it dawned on me.....


say $850 for the camara, I would have wanted the battery grip because I love the vertical dials ($150) and then I would want at least 2 backup batteries ($100)


That's $1,100. When I realized this, I just ordered an additional 20D instead. Then I don't need any other accessories. I have 5 spare batteries as it is now, those will be find for 2 camaras and the camara comes with one, I'll have 2 chargers this way and then like was mentioned above, I'll feel more comfortable shooting the whole wedding.



Now on to the other comments:


I really do like Photosite because it meets my needs right now. I went ahead and signed up for the whole year service ($70 total), but I do feel limited and hope to expand in the future.


You don't have a whole lot of choice with font and size, and it doesn't host online ordering. Very simple to use though! And no extra software to buy.


Also I sprung for the option to not have their name in my domain name. I have always hated that.


so and so @smugmug.com drives me nuts.




actually the wedding images in my gallery are really not good. I am taking them off as we speak, check back in a couple minutes if you don't mind. Then, I would love comments on any of the pictures that were in there.


Thanks for the tip on the spelling, honestly my husband did my slides, he's really stinks at spelling (a wiz at math), I should have known. I'll get that fixed too.




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I also forgot to mention, this was my first paid wedding and so I didn't have rates listed yet, I booked this one in May.


I only charge $350 for all day and this bride got about 300 proofs to keep. I couldn't justify charging more than that when I had never done it before.


The first wedding I did was HORRIBLE in B/W, and worse in color. It was free to them thank goodness. The only good thing that came from that they asked me at the last minute knowing I hadn't done any wedding before and they just wanted it as a favor. They were thrilled. Just goes to show you that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.


The McKenzie Rush wedding on my web page I was overall pretty happy with.


I really liked the formals and the ones outside, but the ones with my speedlite flash all seemed underexposed to me. I am still a little lost when it comes to my flash I think. Sure wish some of you professionals lived in Newton, Illinois :)



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One thing nobody every talks about is the placement of the controls on the 350D/XT. With a single hand, everything or near can be accessed. Even the on/off switch. I had an ElanIIe with the QCD, and even if I used it a lot on it, it doesn't miss me much now I'm used to the 350D. The 4-way pad controller IS very handy too :)<BR>

Exposure compensation is done by pressing one more button simultaneously to the control wheel. For me at least, it's easy.<BR>

Bracketting and FEC are indeed not quickly accessed, but FEC can be done on my external flash. I don't bracket so often too...

The only real bad thing is the DOF test button,really not at your fingertips.<BR><BR>



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