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Upping the age

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I have had this on the top of my mind lately and if you all or mostly

disagree I will be happy with that. Most States in the U.S. allow a

Car or Classic tag on it after it hits 20-30 years old why must we

limit ourselves to pre-70 here? I have many cameras built in the 70's

and early 80's that still work I can understand not allowing

Electronic or Digital but soon the first Digitals will be 10 years

old or better. Just a thought.


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I agree. Cameras such as the Nikon F2 and the AI Nikkor series of that time should qualify.The original Nikon FM is a completely mechanical camera as well. Surely the OM-1.OM-2, etc, should also qualify. These are pioneering cameras that deserve space in this forum. Just my 5 cents worth (allowing for inflation):-)>
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I disagree. If anything, it should go back another 10 years to 1960. The cameras you mentioned aren't "classics" -- they're just good working cameras which are no longer in production. While you're at it, ban anything which has a battery in it.
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The 85 K-Car It is now a classic in some places. ... 20 years

to make it a Classic. Even Lee Iacocca is back..... How many bad cameras were there in the post WWII days and yet they are allowed even a Yugo got more miles than a Kodak Tourist 116. LOL I want to keep this light as I see you all do.

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Any image that is scanned from anything from Talbot's era to Nikon F era should not be considered 'classical' at all. While you are at it, ban all use of digicams to photograph classics.


Only Tin types should be allowed and copies distributed by couriers- homing pigeons being more classic.

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Seems to me there are adequate forums on photo.net to cover all those "modern classic" but few places for Fox Talbot to go. I suppose it is a question of the owner's age: my Nikon F, Alpa, Rollei 35SL, Exakta 66, Linhof 220 - well you get the idea - I've had from new so it is hard to think of them as classic without consigning myself to the obsolete limited use category. Come to think of it I was using my Voigtlander Bergheil in the late 1940s (but that was a hand me down and I was only 8).
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There is no definition of 'classic'. Even some 1950's Graphic cameras were 'electronic' in that they used batteries and electric solenoids and battery powered flashes. I think pre-1970 is ok but I'd rather it be a moving target like 35 years or older.
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Why are we arguing? Maybe we need another forum for plain Jane SLRs like X300, ME super and Praktica B? - I don't like them myself and am happy with this forum as it is. I love to shoot a classic now and than, but well my 35mm workhorses are a bit younger (and collecting dust...)
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I think 1970 is a good cutoff point. The SLR configuration dominated after that year, and even cameras like the D70 have a similar configuration.


They were still flogging Bullseye Contarexes in the late 60s, huge chunks of chrome and glass and black leather that looked like they could be fitted to roll on railroad tracks.


My OMs are very "modern" cameras to me-that would be early 70s wouldn't it?-even compared to the two Nikkormats I talked myself into acquiring this summer, which emerged in the mid 60s.

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This comes up from time to time. However, there is no reason to change the forum. It works as it is.


For those intent on debating the meaning of the word "Classic", it's already defined for this forum. "Pre-1970", simple as that. It helps weed out the opinions about the word "classic".


If you want to discuss later models, there are plenty of other forums. If someone feels the need for a "Later Classics" forum, there would be no harm in petitioning the site moderators, or whomever does the forum setup work.

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Larry - I agree we need a forum where we are allowed to discuss cameras made between 1970 and 1980. If the Pentax Spotmatic qualifies for discussion here, why does the Olympus OM1 not? They are both "classics" of their genre.


I have many cameras made between '70 and '80 that I use quite often, and I would like to share my experiences and thoughts with the great bunch of people here, only some of whom frequent the camera specific forums on PN, where the main interest is now in digital equipment anyway. The only place left is "Camera Equipment" which does not really have the same appeal.

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The brand-specific fora allow discussion of the "lost generation" of cameras between 1970 and recent days. If I want to talk about my Minolta XD-7 - not a pre-1970 camera but every inch a classic - I go to the Minolta forum.
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