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Question on the infamous BGLOD


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I can't find any useful info on the whole web on the issue of BGLOD.

Everyone mentions that it's a fault most likely to affect the first

batch/es, but noone mentions serial numbers for that production run.

Does anybody know something about this? Is there any website where one

can find this kind of info?

I bought a D70 last month, and wonder if it is one of the new ones or

it is likely to suffer BGLOD.

Thank you very much!


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I think this is the extent of Nikon's public comments on the BGLOD:




But a search on this site and on dpreview's forums will turn up a number of folks who have experienced this problem, sent their camera in to Nikon per the service announcement and are now happy, as well as a few folks who are unhappy.


I sent mine in to the Melville, NY address last week after mine succumbed to BGLOD on 12/25. I purchased my D70 in April, 2004 and had no troubles with it until the 25th. No exposure problems leading up to the failure, etc.

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I think Sun's point was simply if it's important, it's worth bringing a backup even if the backup is a point 'n shoot film camera. How many of us only have ONE camera of any type?


My F100 is in the same bag I have my D70 in, just in case. And if the situation is particularly dire, there's always my wife's Canon p&s...

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Well, I for one am taking my good ol' F601 with me on my next vacation, along with a Canon Powershot A520 that is quite good, but I must confess that while Nikon apparently will have it fixed in Argentina even if it was bought in the USA it's disturbing to think that it will, sooner or later, fail.

I got an emjail from a VERY reputable source telling me that the first batch story could be true. It makes sense for Nikon to fix it in later production runs rather than having to fix every single D70 for free...

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"I got an emjail from a VERY reputable source telling me that the first batch story could be true."


This is how unsubstantiated rumors start to float around with no concrete details.


I am glad that you are rational in your thinking about the choices of the cameras to take with you, Patricio.


Good luck!

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I know, I know, but I don't want to mention in public a guy who, very kindly, answered an email directed by a stranger (me) to his site.

This is the answer I got from this person, and I insist, it doesn't seem at all inllogical that Nikon corrected the error in subsequent production runs:

"From everything I can tell, at least nine months worth of the original D70 production suffers from using a specific metering part that fails and causes that symptom, but the symptom itself--the blinking green light--is actually a failure signal that's more

generic and can be caused by a wide range of problems (bent pins in the CF slot, metering failure, etc.). If your D70 is recent, I wouldn't worry much, but if it is from that first nine months of production, I'd say that the likelihood you'll eventually see the problem is quite high. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about it until you do."

I planned on taking the F601 with me BGLOD or not, just in case, and in order to be able to shoot some landscapes with my 28...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine succumbed last week. Serial number 30026XX. Purchased

in April of 2004. It had some symptoms leading up to this as

early as January 2005. Erratic shutter speeds, error messages,

etc. But it always seemed to shake out of it.


Sent to Nikon CA this week.

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This will make the third time I have had to send my camera for repairs due to the BGLOD. Each time it has died in the middle of a paid shoot. Consider me one of the ones that is not a happy with Nikon at the moment. Granted, I haven't paid a dime for repairs...but then I haven't made a dime either because the "fill in the blank with your favorite profane word" thing keeps dying.
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