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Photoshop Elements 4

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OF COURSE! Like you I just purchased E3 three weeks ago! And I bet there is not an upgrade version from 3 to 4. There should be a 60-day upgrade guarantee with software...if the next version comes out within 60 days you should get a free upgrade. Oh well.


Will look for E4 and check it out.

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There actually is an upgrade path-- you can save $20 if you order it directly from Adobe and provide a serial number from a previous version. It's not easy to find, but I stumbled upon it on their Web site the other day.


Now for the real question: What improvements, if any, has Adobe made in support for 16-bit-per-channel color and color management? Adobe's Web site emphasizes the new ability to tag and recognize faces and other gee-whiz features, but says nothing about more fundamental photo features.


The reason I ask is that I'm a long-term Paint Shop Pro user who is currently gamma-testing version "X", released earlier this month. Corel (finally) added 16-bit color and color management, but I'm slowly finding out that these features are incompletely implemented. In particular, it doesn't support either 16-bit color or color management with plug-ins, and their tech support told me that finishing the plug-in interface isn't a high priority. This is a problem because I rely on PictoColor iCorrect EditLab Pro (a convenient and "intelligent" one-stop-shopping tool for color balancing), and the lack of color management support makes this nearly useless. I know I really should shell out the $600 for Photoshop CS2 (Adobe really does need the money) but I'm wondering whether Elements has better support for 16-bit color and color management than the new Paint Shop Pro, sufficient to jump ship.

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