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Trying to talk myself into selling some equipment.

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I suppose it might be a disease. I am slowly working myself up to scribbling down a few

notions surrounding keeping old books and rereading old books. Knew a woman once

who asked me if I really needed to read another book. Her view was that direct experience

and action was better than reading. If she were involved with this discussion, she would

suggest that one camera should do the trick, take photographs.


I tried and failed to explain that I enjoyed rereading books, like Rex Stout's Nero

Wolfe/Archie Goodwin mysteries, John Le Carre, Len Deighton, W.E.B Griffin's Army and

Marine series, and Patrick O'Brien's Aubrey/Maturin novels of the British Navy during the

Napoleonic Wars. I have reread Steinbeck's Cannery Row more than 20 times because Doc

and the Boys have become old friends.


I don't need 135mm focal length lenses in Pentax M42, Nikkor AI, Leitz Hektor f4, Yashica.

That I don't need 28mm in Carl Zeiss T Distagon f2.8, Nikkor non-AI f3.5, Pentax Super

Takumar f3.5, Jupiter 12 Kiev mount. I certainly am not going to list 50mm lenses, I could

be here awhile.


I too have considered selling some cameras and lenses. I think I will this summer. Just as

soon as I figure out a rationale.


If I was going to follow that woman's view, one camera. It could be a Pentax PZ-1 AF SLR,

two zooms 28-80 and 100-300, and a mf Pentax M 50mm f1.4 lens, and a Tamron 90mm

SP f2.5 macro lens. Proceeding down the slippery slope, I could use my M42 lenses on that

camera with an adapter, in stop down metering mode. The body is reliable and the lenses

have delivered good quality results on several trips.




In addition to a criteria for keeping or discarding I will have to overcome my remembering

my regret at having to sell my first SLR, Pentax Spotmatic 1000. And a favourite AF SLR a

Nikon 8008 with a 35-135 Nikkor zoom. Plus I would have to look any discard for sale

camera or lens in the eye and say, Adios, baby. Don't why that would be hard but....


At least I have stopped acquiring. My name is Bill and I am an ebayaholic in recovery.


Shooting more and buying no more....must write that down 500 times.

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Bill Gibson, I bought a 28mm f/3.5 non AI Nikkor two days ago from a shop around the corner for 15 Euros. It was on a super sale. A Minolta MD swing/shift bellows (Nikon's PB-4 equivalent, exquisitely made) with an additional cross slider with a flash shoe cost twice that. Such gear do not have much monetary value anymore.
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I coined a name a couple months ago..."CAMERACOLLECTAHOLIC" that's me! I have double jeopardy though, I not only collect cameras, I collect 1/18 scale diecast cars. I have over 200 sitting here amoungst the cameras that number around 60 something. Between the diecast and the cameras I often hear the foundation of my house complaining from the weight of it all. Buy it and enjoy it, it's later than you think. <p>Randy Jay
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I understand how you feel Daniel. I could almost substitute my name on your letter and believe I'd written it myself. Can't believe how many times I've seen your name on items I'm watching too. Sometimes I bid, sometimes I pass depending of course on how badly I need the camera (or think I do, LOL).Could be worse I suppose. On a show on collectors last night they interviewed a man with 51 cannons, some in his front yard. For myself I tend to go through stages, cameras, Hot Wheels, stamps, coins, muscle car memorabilia, model car (I have 96 kits in unopened boxes in my basement)and plane kits, slot cars and of course my '66 Rambler in the garage whenever I feel the itch to bust a knuckle or two. I've only sold one camera, traded three or four, and recently sold one waist level finder. Each time I spend more time regretting the loss than I did finding the camera in the first place. Guess collecting can get out of hand, but hey, I have no mortgage, own three cars (paid for), don't chase women (my wife frowns on that) and seldom if ever drink so a guy's gotta be allowed one or two vices.

It's encouraging to see some of the other names posting here, makes me feel a little less odd. Could explain the signature. Curt in Canada "wierdcollector". P.S. Yes, I know wierd is spelled wrong, it began as a play on words type deal.

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We've all got the bug, that's why we're here!

Well, why not list the cameras on photo.net's Classifieds? It's easier and a whole lot cheaper

than "flEabay". You could also print up a sheet and prices list this Fall. Tack it up at your local

college or high school's photo dept. Students are always looking for bargain cameras to get

started with.

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A few years ago I sold a whole bunch of stuff, mostly cameras I didn't expect I would ever manage to put film in. It was probably a wise decision, I made a decent amount of money doing it, and I probably really wouldn't ever have found film for those 2 1/4 by 3 1/4 Speed Graphics or the Foth Derby or the Minolta 16 or the huge old Autographic, and I never got around to winding cassettes for the Sept, either, or loading up the Zeiss Movikon. There's a limit to how many rangefinder-challenged Leica III's you need too. All in all a wise decision, yet I find myself frequently wishing I had them all back.
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Mail your unused cameras to me, I will shoot for you and send them back with

pictures ;-)


I did it for CE, now I am waiting for Michael Carmack's Ikoflex and National Graflex

Series II .




<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00Ca3I">

CE's Franke Rolfix 6x9: First test roll (all 8 frames ;-)



<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00CbHa">

CE's Franke Rolfix 6x9: Flushing Meadows-Corona Park



<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00Cadf">

CE's Argoflex Seventy-five: Film Disaster :-(



<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00CbKU">

CE's Ansco Rediflex: Street Snapshots



<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00CaUS">

CE's Brownie Hawkeye: First test roll.



<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00CbOO">

CE's Brownie Hawkeye: Subway</a>


<a href="/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00CbQn">

CE's Brownie Hawkeye: Night.</a>


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I sell cameras as I get tired of them. However some I really regret selling later. One camera was a Konica III with a sticky shutter. I bought it cheap and used it for a couple rolls. Most of the pics came out nice, only was sticky after sitting a little while. Ended up selling it on Ebay after finding out it would be $150 for a CLA. (I did disclose this info in the auction). I wish I would have sunk the money into that camera. I believe that had the best glass I have owned.
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Contessas non-folding lately.

Those beasts are fun to fix and to go out and play.


I had a couple of Nettars but gave them away to my father in law after he did some "softening" of my heart by telling me wonderful stories of his father's Nettars.

'I don;t have an Ikonta... yet ;)

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