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OT: B&H 35mm catalogue

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The morning mail just arrived here at my office and I received a

thick (inch and a half), heavy B&H catalogue called the "The 35mm SLR

Photo Source Book". It's devoted entirely to 35mm film photography

products, cameras, lenses, accessories, and has 22 pages on Leica

products alone. Hmmmm....


Any thoughts on why B&H would spend the money on such an extensive

catalogue if film photography products were no longer the money

makers that digital has presumably become?

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dennis, i have been getting this from b&h for a couple of years now and have no idea why. i guess i buy films from them from time to time and my name is in their system or something. i always thought that the book also include digital but, honestly, i hardly ever open the book. i think it explains why our film shipping fee is so high from b&h. they need money to print this thing that no one reads.
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I also get the general B&H catalogue every year which contains products of all manner of photography including digital. But the catalogue I just received is a 686 page brick devoted to 35mm photography... not a mention of anything digital as far as I can tell.


I just found it surprising...

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" I could go on delivering these pearls of wisdom - but I think I can already see your eye balls rolling back into their sockets..."


No, please continue. I want me a gude financial edumacation. Seriously!


Peter, for some reason I usually end up with 2 of everything that B&H sends out. If that holds true this time, I can send you one via the slowboat to Australia.

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FWIW, this book contains photos, descriptions and specs of entire lines of products. It is, as it's name suggests, more of a "source book".


I'm not trying to start a film versus digital thing here, and I hope that doesn't occur. I was just surprised when I saw this huge book arrive.

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but peter, be careful, they will track you down. heard of b&h eye that's inserted in the pages of the materials they mailed out? and then you can't get rid of them. it is until last summer i moved from the house that they stopped mailing me. i haven't gotten anything from them since and i will stay put for a while. enough film supply to last me a while.
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Yeah, that catalog arrived at my house, too, which already has enough paper, thank you. It is very well produced, I must say. Camera equipment is surprisingly expensive when bought new these days!


If you look in the front pages, you'll see this is one of six different sourcebooks. One of them is so big that it's two volumes. (I think the Digital Photography one.)

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<em>Any thoughts on why B&H would spend the money on such an extensive catalogue if film photography products were no longer the money makers that digital has presumably become</em>


Yeh, it's obvious. They sell lenses too. And lighting equipment. And DSLR bodies. And tripods. And camera bags etc. etc.


About 1/50th of the catalog deals with 35mm film bodies. That seems about right...

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"About 1/50th of the catalog deals with 35mm film bodies."


Actually, Bob, at the risk of sounding pedantic, I think about 10% of the catalogue is devoted specifically to the approximately 38 film camera bodies and body accessories discussed and described in the 686 pages. The rest is lenses, filters, flashes, tripods, bags, etc. But my point was that I was surprised that B&H even had a 35mm "Source Book". I get double B&H catalogues... they send them to my home and my office. But I had never seen one devoted specifically to 35mm photography. I was just wondering what their marketing strategy was behind it. Perhaps you are correct that lenses, which can be used on digital SLR bodies, is the real focus.

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Pete - <a href=http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home;jsessionid=CGqGC0MnyP!-1617699300?O=RootPage.jsp&A=getpage&Q=FreeCatalog.jsp>B & H Catalog Request form</a>.<p><p>


Got mine awhile ago, indicating my status as a highly valued customer -:) and what surprised me, as it evidently did Dennis, is that, while B & H obviously sells dslr's and digital-specific lenses and copious quantities of all sorts of digerati, those items appear to be neither pictured nor listed nor priced in this 686 page book.<p><p>


The intro letter that's part of the front cover begins by saying, "35mm SLR system photography is in many ways the most important part of our business ... "<p><p>


"In many ways" perhaps, but I very much doubt that's the case on the bottom line.<p><p>

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Snake charmers here, Pete, are selling puts (not Puts) and various debt instruments and equities of dubious value. Buying the actual snakes would be safer and healthier.


And could somebody please stop Dennis before he buys any more of that stuff. He's like a kid in a candy store ...

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I got both the film book and the digital book this week. Both marked at $6.95. I do order from B&H but last fall I got the lighting book and that one baffles me because I have never used any lighting equipment.


I now have about 12 lbs. of books from B&H on my serving window. Maybe I can peek in this weekend.



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