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Tried to load program to check it out. Couldn't load. This is the second time in 2 weeks that I tried. Program floders load but I can't find an "exe" file to get it started. Only exe file asks you to select a language. US isn't an option.


My advice. How good can it be when authors of program can't find an easy way for prospective users to load it. I'm sure I am doing something wrong but I like photography not computer programming.

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I've set several people up with the Gimp under Windows, but I haven't much experience using that version myself. I use it extensively under Linux and it meets my needs. You have to search a bit to find out how best to install the windows version, but when you get the right website, it turns out to be pretty easy to do.


The Gimp is comparable in many ways to the full version of Photoshop, although it doesn't have all the bells and whistles. Its major defect is that it doesn't handle 16 bits per channel. It is superior to less expensive photoeditors such as Photoshop Elements.

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It does fine for the sort of things the majority of people need to do.


If you're used to PS, the interface will seem a bit weird at first. I also find that on the same hardware, it is a little slower than PS under Windows for some tasks. Speed on the same hardware is comparable between Windows and Linux.


The scripting engine is quite powerful, and there are quite a few additional scripts that you can download. There are RAW plugins available for both Windows and Linux (and no doubt other platforms too).


It's well worth a try, and it's hard to beat on price. There are of course no guarantees you will like it of course ;-)



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I've installed Gimp Windows with a no problem bsolutelyand have started working with it. I have worked a little with Photoshop. I find a lot of similarities in the layout (might be my inexperience speaking...). The nice thing is, lots of tools have the same name...so its kind of easy to identify if you fool around a bit. </br>

As for learning, I just started reading <a href="http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/">"Grokking the Gimp"</a> which is available for free online. Its an amazing book which explains why the tools do what they do, not just how. I would very strongly recommend it to anybody interested in getting the most out of whatever tools they have access too.</br>



<a href="http://www.dundubhi.com">www.dundubhi.com</a>

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I use it on Linux for photo editing and I'm very happy with it. Everything you need is included. Compared to Photoshop, Gimp only has two major drawbacks : the first one is the lack of any serious color management. This is a a real problem and there is no solution in sight. The second one is that Gimp is not Photoshop... To me it is not a serious problem because Gimp and is all I have ever known and I am satisfied with the Gimp's interface, but to the people who are used to Photoshop it is real problem because they have to re-learn many things.
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