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Leica shots from 6 months in South America


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If anyone is interested, I have just started to post some photographs taken on a 6 month

cycling trip through Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. I used two M6TTLs with a 28 cron and

50 cron and Provia F/ E100G. All carried in the front handlebar bag on the bicycle.


They are scanned in just using an Epson 4870 flatbed.


This is one of many trips I have taken like this, with these cameras, and as always (so far)

no problems

at all with the equipment. And the roads were generally pretty atrocious, with rocky

bumpy roads and temperatures ranging from 30 C degrees to minus 20 degrees C (all in

the same day!). I kept all the films with me until I returned back to the UK for development

(what else to do), with no discernable difference between the first films taken and the last.


If you would like to take a look then you are welcome at:




You can view them as a slide show, or much larger by clicking on the image then clicking

on 'all sizes'.


Thanks and enjoy (more to come later)



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I only took 50 rolls. Uphill, against the wind and on bad roads, 50 rolls in kind of the

maximum weight I want to add to my already overloaded bike). It was enough.


Yep, I used a BW polariser on perhaps 20% of the landscape shots. Definately

recommended. Bit of messing around taking the thing on and off to judge the amount to

use, but no real deal actually.



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Thanks for the kind words.


This trip took about 3 months to organise (mainly trying to cancel my mobile phone and

broadband internet connection!), but really it is just a case of getting all the

gear together, buying a few maps, getting on the plane and doing it.


The 4870 scanner is excellent, and prints pretty OK up to 10x8, but no way is it

comparable to a dedicated slide scanner (like the Mk4 or 9000 Nikons).


Like I said before, both of the M6 TTLs were totally perfect even under these extreme

conditions and, of course, produce beautiful images. Still, I can't hide the fact that I am

seriiously thinking of buying a Nikon D2X to replace my RZ67 in my portrait business!


Would still take the little Leicas on my cycling trips, though!.



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