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Wedding Photography Critique


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I was wondering if any of you, with the time, would be so kind as to

visit my site and offer some of your professional opinions and



Thank you


My Website:<br>

<a href="http://www.painfreecomputinganddesign.com/new/default.asp?

pg=main2.asp&id=7">Wedding Photography</a>


You can email me at: <a


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Some nice shots... <p>


I would try and keep the site wedding only as I feel that putting up any other work can only distract, and suggest that you are not a wedding specialist. <p>


I would try and get some more variety on there as there are some very similar shots. Try and put some formal shots on there too, reportage is in vogue at the moment but I still feel that people want the formal group shots and would want to see that you can do them and do them well. <p>


Lastly I'd lose the shot with the bridesmaid in between the B&G. <p>


I hope this helps!

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Tim, you have some very nice work, but I'd make a few general comments. You've got real shadow issues in your outdoor shots. Fill flash would help. I get a sense of monotony with these pics. They're all pretty much straight on, vertical, tight. What's there is well done, but I'd like to see more variety, get a better sense of the venue and the day than just these pics. I'm not sure why there seem to be a few pics from another wedding at the end there. I think most sites keep the weddings separate. Your site definitely doesn't feel or look like a wedding photographer's site. If that's your aim I'd redesign it. You might want to look at other sites for inspiration (Marc Williams, Jeff Ascough, etc.)
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OK, just my opinion. The light seems to work well in the "thought" and the "getting ready" pictures, but does not seem to work in the "mother-daughter" picture and the "bride" picture. I think this has to do with the eyes. Something needs to make these "pop," and the shadows are in the wrong places. A little work with fill flash, or maybe just a different angle in some cases. Several back-lit pics, and they're always hard to deal with. Best Regards.
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Thank you all! Your comments mean the world to me. I think about them and take them to heart where I feel appropiate. I will be working on lighting issues in the future, big time. <br><br>

There are very few shots because the wedding was so darn quick. But that is no excuse. I will work on these things in the future.<br><br>

-- Tim

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When the site came up with the name Painless Computing & Design I was confused. If you are marketing your wedding photo services it might be worth your while to have a site dedicated just to that with a title that reflects wedding work.


Excuse me if marketing your services is not your intent. It is what consumes by waking hours.


I agree with the above comments regarding getting some variety into the portfolio. But having said that, the work you show relfects a good eye for capturing the emotions of the day. I especially like the one of the bride being helped with her necklace. I like the disembodied hands! Very nice

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definitely some nice work here, but I would like to see:


1) more variety. less of the 85mm and more 28mm coverage.


2) simpler navigation. I can't find an easy way to go from image to image without going back to the main page.


3) more consistent exposures - particularly when it comes to shadows.


4) (this is a personal thing, but) I don't like names for every image, unless they are all so dramatic that they scream 'fine art'. otherwise, it sounds pretentious and fluffy to me. Better to let the images speak for themself.


5) (from a marketing perspective) a cleaner and less cluttered layout. don't put your face on every page (handsome as you may be..)


keep it up.


<a href="http://www.genuineimagephotography.com">conrad erb - genuine image photography</a>

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Before shooting the wedding my site was designed to meet a large variety of styles. I may create a wedding site now because I like the wedding shots. Just like I did for the movie images I shot. I created a site just for them. (BTW, did anyone happen to see that site? And if so, what did you think of it?)


(Let me just state for the record.....weddings are the most difficult to shoot. Landscapes are easy.... movies are kind of tough, but compared to weddings, these pale in comparison.)


The next wedding will have a greater mix of styles if there is anything I can do about it. I may hire an assistant. Plus a second.


Would you be so kind as to critique my new wedding site when I have it finished? You all have been very helpful. You should write a book. :)<br><br>


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Barry already mentioned this - but I would like to take it a step further. In your posed shots.. I think you need fill flash but even more important - make sure people don't have splotches of light and shadow on the face and even on the clothes. Look for backlit green leaves and/or light shade with reflector or fill flash.


Nice emotions captured as well as your candid shots.

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