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Profoto 7' or Elinchrom 74 Octo


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An umbrella and a softbox are completely different beasts. I own a Photoflex 5' Octadome and prefer the soft light it produces compared to a 5' umbrella ...


If that Profoto umbrella is the same one I saw on the B&H website, it's very fancy and very, very expensive umbrella ...

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Reflector umbrellas (as opposed to shoot-through umbrellas, which are pretty much like softboxes) can be as simple as a white surface that reflects the light back fairly evenly to a highly specialized type with a silver or gold section at the center. The latter type is designed to focus light toward a desired location, such as from forehead to torso on a full-length model, while feathering the light gradually toward the periphery. I think Wescott claims a -2 to -4 stop feathering for its umbrellas of this type.


You can see examples of these umbrellas as well as photos taken using them in Wescott and Photoflex catalogs or on their websites. The effect is pretty clear when compared with ordinary umbrellas. While it's not quite a substitute for focusable lights, it's pretty darned close and a helluva lot cheaper.


As Ron said, the various octo-type light modifiers are basically huge softboxes shaped like umbrellas. The produce very soft, even illumination over a large area with a single unit. Photek, Wescott and, I think, Photoflex, among others, make similar light modifiers.


Profoto and Elinchrom stuff is pretty expensive. I'd be inclined to experiment first with the less pricey stuff from Photek, Wescott or Photoflex. I haven't handled any Photek gear but between Wescott and Photoflex I think at least some Photoflex gear is better stuff. I definitely prefer Photoflex reflectors - the hoops are thicker, springier and seem more likely to hold their shape longer and keep the reflectors taut.

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Thanks for reply guys. Both were excellent and detailed. I understand the the difference in the quality of light- but I know that both have similar designs. The flash head is pointed towards the back of a large umbrella. Both have front diffusion or can shoot as an umbrella.


I hadn't thought about the fact though - that a forward facing box would have greater fall off. I always considered it to be size. But that makes sense.


Thanks -

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Personally I prefer the look and design of the Elinchrom. I have sample photos from each. But first a few things... #1) I prefer the highlights from the Elinchrom #2) With the diffusion panel on the Elinchrome is a bit more even. #3) Little thing, but I prefer the way the Elinchrom clicks together to lock itself out and the Profoto works more like an umbrella to lock out. I have friends that prefer the Profoto locking system and it seems to be pretty split. On shoots I see Elinchrom's everyday, but I have only seen 3 Profoto 7' reflectors. Either way you won't be dissapointed.



Photo 1 Profoto 7'


Photo 2 Elinchrom

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