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Any sign of the EF 70-300/4-5.6 IS USM yet?


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Has anyone heard of sightings of the new EF 70-300/4-5.6 IS USM yet?


I know stores say October (Amazon says November, Canon says

September!), but they say similar things about the EF 24-105/4L IS,

and those have already started to show up in small numbers at a few


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It sounds a very promissing lens.The older model wasn't good enough for the price they were asking in my opinion.<BR>I see the new one is dearer still(?).This may be a good thing though-if they have improved the weak points enough over the old model ,it should be a very worthwhile lens.


<p>I look forward to your review Bob -if or when you can do one.

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Camera Canada listed this item about three weeks ago. Last week I asked them about the availability of the lens and they recommended me to get back this week. Two days ago I noticed that they have changed the status from "New" to "Hot item" -- tonight I fired them a message asking again about availability. I will keep you informed with their answer as soon as I get the relevant data.


In the mean time, I would be interested in any experience with this lens if anybody had the chance to get it or to find a review. For the moment the only information I have comes from:



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Camera Canada announced the arrival date: "...First shipment arriving September 28th pre order yours today..."


I'm going to place an order -- this lens cannot be worse than EF 75-300 IS USM, so I'll take the chance. Once I'll get my hands on it, I will post my impressions and maybe some sample photos.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been using EF 55-200mm with my old Digital Rebel. I know, it's a cheap telezoom but I had fun using it for about a year. Last month I sold everything and I bought a 20D with EF-S 17-85mm IS USM. The EF 70-300mm IS USM looked as a very attractive compromise between my limited budget, lens quality and featurs. Comparing the lenses will be unfair (different quality class) and a bit difficult now, but I can use some of my old photos taken with the Rebel.


Today I received the confirmation of the shipment -- I suppose I will have my lens on Tuesday.

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