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Anybody have any experience with thefstop.com?


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The owner is a legitimate business. At least he was.


The business was in California 4 years ago and then dissappeared to resurface in NW chicago suburb of Crystal Lake.


That was about 2 years ago, maybe 3.


Looks like there has been another business failure and he is now operating from his home with a new web address.


I spoke with him once in Calif and once in Crystal Lake some time later. He seemed honest enough.


Somehow I feel better dealing with a bricks and motar store. At least put a potential transaction up and see if you can get some history on this forum.


Normal business practices apply always.


BTW, that is the third web page for f stop.


Jeff at Badger Graphic Sales is known to be honest and have good prices.

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I'm sure you looked at this page:http://www.thefstop.com/shop/shopcustcontact.asp


It has both an address and fax number. Contact someone in the city they are in and get them to use a reverse directory to get a ligit address (in case the one shown isn't) and also get a phone number for the address shown.


If all else fails dispute the charge and get your money back.

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If you google the street address listed on their website you'll find a link to another home based business at that same address along with a toll-free number. If you do a whois of that other businesses domain name you'll find a phone number for the owner of the "the f stops here" as well as an alternative email address. You can also do a whois of the domain of the alternative email address and get the same phone number. I have no reason to believe it's not a totally legitimate business and perhaps the owner is on vacation or just super busy. The 25th is barely a week ago, so I would give them a few more days before getting too excited.


However, what I find really frightening and perhaps it' a statement on our lack of privacy in this electronic age is that you use google earth to zoom right in and practically look down their chimney.

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I sent them 1 fax, 2 emails through the site, 1 email through the mail@fstop.com. I know it's only a week ago, but you'd think they'd be more responsive towards their customers considering other similar businesses they're competing with offer much better customer service. I usually take my business to KEH.com because there's a person on the phone if I had a problem and they send out an email with a tracking number as soon as I hit the order button. I only bought from the this store because I couldn't find a used Wista VX anywhere else, including the auction site. I mean, seriously, this is the 21st century they should get with the program (it shouldn't take a detective to find other ways to contact them).....
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I bought a used lens described as cosmetically and mechanically fine, no defects. The first time I used it the shutter stuck open on B and T and the shutter speeds didn't sound right. I took it to a local repair person who said it was beyond repair. I returned it and the purchase price was refunded without remibursement for two way shipping costs (not a huge deal financially with something as small as a lens but I thought it said something about his ethics). Thinking that might have been an aberration I later bought a 5x7 Agfa Ansco camera from him. The description failed to mention the fact that someobdy had very sloppily spray painted the entire front and sides of the camera black, chrome metal and all.


My take on him is that he's not dishonest in the sense that he steals anybody's money, he just doesn't describe defects or problems in the hope that buyers will tolerate the problem or defect rather than going to the trouble and expense of returning the item. I think you'll eventually get your camera if you're patient, he's probably just out of town for the Labor Day weekend or something. Whether the description of it that was given to you will match the camera you eventually receive is another question.

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Years ago, when this fellow's store was located in California, I sent him a field camera to sell on consignment. Months passed and I did not hear from him. I called several times and left messages. When I finally got him on the phone he advised me the camera had been sold but he had not yet gotten around to sending me my money; he then admitted he was having a "cash flow problem" or some other financial issues. I initially felt sorry for him but after a few weeks I firmly told him I would not put up with it any longer and he finally, reluctantly, sent me my money. I was relieved to get it, the check cleared and I breathed a sigh of relief. I did get a good price for the camera, though, higher than I could have gotten had I sold it myself.


I had also sent along four additional lensboards for the camera and it was my understanding he would sell these seperately and send me my cut, but I never did receive any money for these four items and I assumed he just sold them and kept the money or forgot they were on consignment.


As the previous poster stated, he moved and I never heard from him again. I never bothered to chase him down for the additional money he owed me and I just chalked it up to experience.


Live and learn. Good luck with your transaction.

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Thanks guys. I'm glad I posted this here so that others can make informed decisions about this store. I finally got a response and much to my relief he refunded my paypal account. His reason was that he had already sold the camera to somebody else and was holding it for him. Strange, because when you go look at the site the camera (Wista VX) is still available for sale and you can actually purchase it! Lesson learned...
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A lot of small photo stores are very slow to update their used equipment websites. Unless you are really concerned about being scooped on some rare item, it is a good idea to confirm availability and ask about the condition by email or phone rather than simply clicking the order button.


My several transations with the thefstop.com years ago were perfect.

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