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Yashicamat 124G - shutter and filter questions


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I just picked up a Yashica 124G in good condition for $50. The meter

needle seems to work but the green needle responds only to aperture

changes. I assume it should also change with shutter adjustments.

Anyhow, I am planning to use my N90s spot meter to figure out

exposure. Does anyone else use a 35mm body regularly for this purpose?


However, I have a few quick questions:


1> Does the camera have a timer mode to fire the shutter? I find it

better and less cumbersome than a release for static objects.


2> Does anyone make an adapter for using my 52mm filters on the bay 1

mount? Would this be practical - or block the taking lens.


3> I saw a bay 1 closeup filter on ebay. I can't figure out how one

would focus with this. Any tips on doing closeups - even

provisionally - with TLRs?




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It does - shift the yellow dot lever from 'm' to 'x' (best leave it there) wind on, and then slide the red dot lever across. Be aware that these self timers can cause jamming problems on old shutters if they have not been properly cared for. So if the red lever seems suspect, leave it alone or get it serviced.
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THe close up - and wide angle attachments come with in two parts - one for the taking lens and one for the viewing lens. If you are going to buy on ebay make sure that it is a close up for the TLR - there are also close up lenses for the slr yashica models listed on ebay.


If you are going to operate the self timer function - the red lever below the taking lens - you MUST ensure that yellow dot lever - (on the right side of the camera as you are looking into the lens and midway between the taking and viewing) that it is in the "X" position.


Attempting to operate the timer lever while in the "M" position can damage the shutter.


(info taken from my 124G manual)

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A useful webpage on the Yashicamat124G if you haven't seen it already...




The manual if yours didn't come with one is available online.... I thought I had it bookmarked but cannot seem to locate it.... I do have it though on my harddrive. If you want a copy of the scanned manual I'll send it to you if you'd like.


I love my 124G..... it's a sweet camera.... have fun with your....

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thanks for all the answers. The shutter does tend to stick in timer mode on mine, so cable it is.


Michelle, I'd love to have the manual if you have it in electronic form. My email is basu(at)wisc(dot)edu.


Thanks a lot,


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Please allow me here...I have a Yashicamat 124G purchased about a year ago. I like the camera, probably because mine is in excellent condition. Due to horror stories and battery issues AND a severe dislike of the junky Wein Cells, I NEVER put a battery into the camera's light meter. But after reading this string, reading some data on Apug.org I went ahead last night and put a 1.5 volt battery into the camera. PRESTO! The meter immediately woke up and went to work. Based on the horror stories of the meter's inaccuracy and the supposed stories about the 1.5 batteries throwing the whole thing off, I compared the meter's reading against an older Fuji SLR which I have and which I know to have an EXCELLENT and accurate meter. (Test shots done with this camera in BRIGHT ARIZONA SUNSHINE passed with flying colors) The meter in the Yashicamat is reading a stop too high. This is NOT bad at all, and can be easily compensated by simply taking a stop OFF the given reading, assuming that the linearity is more or less correct. I have read the numerous stories about the 1.5 batteries throwing the whole thing off, and this experience for me shows that a lot of this hoopla might just be an urban legend. On apug.org a fellow went through an extensive routine testing some equipment using newer 1.5 batteries and found the differences to be minute, almost not worth bothering about. The 1.5 battery is staying in the Yashicamat.
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