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Tips on Taking Ourdoor Family Portait


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After years and years of having someone else take our family portrait, I have

decided to take on the task myself this year and need some tips regarding

composition/positioning of individuals. I have a large family of eight adults

and 2 very young children. Excluding the kids (6mos and 3 yrs) height ranges

from 5'5" to 6'5". I have chosen to take the portrait under/in front of a

beautifully shaped California live oak. I am taking the portrait in the early

morning (8-9am) I am using a 20D, 28-70mm 2.8, 135mm 2L, tripod, and 580EX

flash. I mainly need help in positioning the individuals. Thanks in advance.

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i'm sure there's lots in the photo.net archive on posing as large group portraits are the most challenging and fun stuff to do. i even remember writing an answer and i'm sure others have done much better on it. look in the wedding photography section, they are aces at group shots.


definately use the oak tree. especially if there's a bunch of big root-base exposed or some places for heads to peek around /through. just mindful of weird branch shadows. i've even had people climbing into the trees for portraits, but i'm more adventureous to balance precariously.


my rule of thumb is if you can't see me, i can't see you. SO stop hiding behind someone else. this is an reminder for shy people that yes you do want them showing up in the photo.


avoid the flash if you can, it annoys people after a lot of shots in my humble opinion -- your lens is fast enough. the 35-50mmm range should be good for including everyone and not distorting at all.


only other major thing is to position the adults in logical family/relationship groupings first, then with elderly, who you place next if getting them seated isn't possible. lastly, the lil'uns (especially the 3yr old) as they're going to get bored and move around if you arranged them first.


other than that, MOVE FAST:-) keep it fun, if they are laughing, they're relaxed and might try some more imaginative stuff. remember to take a few with a self-timer or remote trigger. as i said before, there's likely lots on the archive i'm sure.


good luck

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