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Kodak 14N user guide post firmware update

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Hello <p>


I am the new owner of a Kodak 14n which I will be using for

landscapes. I have had a little play and am so far very happy.

Using a Tamron 28-75 the images have been excellent and very sharp, I

know that the of AL filter makes the images sharper but it is

interesting to see how little effect using say USM has when compared

the the dramatic impact I see on my 2 D70's. <p>


It has shot a little over 3000 "actuations" and has the latest

firmware which is where my question comes in. The user guide I have

does not cover many of the updated features and as a result many

parts of it are not 100% accurate anymore. Specifically I cannot

seem to find any description of exactly how the long exposure mode

works. <p>


Does anybody know if Kodak have released documentation to accompany

the firmware updates? <p>

Neil Luxford

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The Long exposure mode works on slow exposures of around 1/10 of a second to two seconds. What it does is add a dark frame subtraction to the image to reduce noise. The Longer mode is for exposures from two seconds to 30 seconds. It is accessed via a special menu. In order for the internal metering to work in Longer mode the exposure must be set to 'M' for manual or 'S' for shutter priority. Aperture Priority does not work with the Longer mode.


Many people feel that decoding the RAW files from the 14N works better than Kodak's Photodesk. Photodesk has workflow advantages and great color. Many Kodak users experiment and use both programs.

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If you download the latest firmware from Kodak there will be a read me file that tells you what has been changed. There are also some instructions on how to use the Long and Longer exposure modes.

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