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Photoshop grays all wrong

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For the first time in a while, I booted up photoshop to edit a black

and white image. The grayscale image showed up in photoshop as being

sort of sepia toned, though. The image in the windows picture viewer

is black and white, and through firefox, its black and white, but in

photoshop, its displayed as sepia. If I mess with the image and save

it, when I open it in a different program, its normal black and white

instead of sepia. Further experimentation has shown that the sepia

tone replaces gray throughout the color spectrum when I convert it to RGB.


I know the problem has to be color calibration, but I can't seem to

find any fix - going through the color settings and assigning various

profiles, to the program over all or just the image, subtly changes

tones, but it still stays distinctly sepia. Uninstalling, and

removing preferences, and reinstalling photoshop makes no difference.


It's occurred to me that it could also have something to do with my

monitor - which I've replaced since the last time I've used photoshop

(when gray would display correctly). I went from a CRT to a nice LCD.

I'm not sure why that would make a difference, but its the only change

that I can think of. I don't have access to a color calibrator, so

I've just calibrated the monitor by eye using the program that came

with the monitor.


If someone could tell me what's going on, or help me figure it out,

I'd be much appreciative.


Thanks you,


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Hi Terry, Sometimes when Photoshop goes insane you can thump it over the head by resetting your preferences file. I'm not sure if this will fix it but it could. Be aware that doing this will return your PS installation back to its default installation state. Just hold CTRL-ALT-SHIFT as you click on the icon to start PS. It may prompt you if you want to reset everything and assuming you do, say yes. Good luck!
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You could try calibrating the monitor with Adobe Gamma from the control panel. That should keep Photoshop happy, at least. If your monitor calibration software generates an icc profile, you should disable this first by going to Desktop Properties->Settings->Advanced->Color Mangement, remove the profile from the list and reboot.



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Last I checked the Gretag-Macbeth Eye-One Display 1 was available for about $70. It is one generation out of date but will still do a better job than the current generation of human eye. Clearly the Gretag-Macbeth designers are more intellingent ;)
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Terry; You can re-set for color separations by doing this... Choose Levels or Curves. Double click the Highlight Eyedropper. Set R-G-B to 244-244-244. OK Returning to Levels, Double Click the Shadow Eyedropper. Set R-G-B values to 8-8-8. OK/Yes Save New Target...


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