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How hard would it be to put an MP-style advance lever on an M6/M7?

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Don Goldberg put an M3 wind lever onto my M6 when it was in for a CLA... :)


So, I wouldn't think it would be a huge issue for him to put an MP wind lever onto your



Give him a call or email him... he's great to deal with! :)



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C'mon, the slanted rewind is fine on there. The rigid style (that everyone here seems to hate so much) would only work on a camera that didn't have that "bend" in the side, wouldn't it?


Don't you like the little crank? If you mutilate your camera like that you'll never be able to sell it....


Think about it. Have you tried the old style rigid?

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If you have the right soft, round wrench, it takes about 30 seconds to unscrew the round thingie on top of the film advance lever, take the lever off, put the new one on, and screw the round thingie back on.


If you try to do it with the wrong tool, you'll scratch up both the lever and the round thingie.

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Benjamin, you can buy the part from Leica USA (800-222-0118 IIRC), or I believe DAG probably has some too, in fact he might have some used original ones from people who replaced them with the pivoting kind. Installing it is a 20-second job, involves unscrewing the cup surrounding the shutter release, there's one spring washer underneath it, that's it. The tool is a split piece of brass or aluminum (softer than the cup) that grips the cup. Use pliers and you'll tear up the cup. There used to be a big camera repair place right in the Loop, International Camera Repair or something like that, if it's still there they could probably install it on the spot. Actually I'll be in Chicago for a wedding one weekend in September, if you want I can bring the tool and do it for you if you want to come downtown, because I won't have a car.
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You just use a piece of sticky rubber to grip the chrome ring on top of the wind lever and unscrew it. Remove the old lever and put the new one on (there will probably be a shim or washer -- watch where it goes). Screw the ring back on and tighten it. Personally, I replaced my solid M3 lever with the articulated one from an M4.
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