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aperture ring loose 35mm summicron pre-asph


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Just bought a used pre-ash 35mm summicron from KEH. it's the 4th

version. there are two problems compared to my 35mm 1.4 asph. The

focus ring is to rigid, much harder than the one on my 1.4 to move

around. Is it common on this lens or I need to do something to fix it?


Then most importantly, the aperture ring feels loose compared to the

1.4 . It doesn't move around on itself, but it feels like it will!

When you turn the ring, it just feels like the dents have been worn,

and it's not crisp. and you can grab the ring back and forth, it

doesn't stay where it is, it moves back and forth, say 0.05mm? Is it

common on this lens? It's the canadian version. Is there anything I

can do about it?


Thanks very much!

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I have the German version which shouldn't make any difference as to what you're describing.


The focusing ring on mine seems to have the right amount of "feel" to it when compared to my other lenses. If yours is tight to the point of binding there's a problem.


The aperture ring situation that you describe does not sound normal. The aperture ring on mine isn't at all loose. The stop points are not quite as "defined" as in some of my other lenses, but I wouldn't describe them as loose either.


One thing you count on with KEH is that they will take the lens back if it is not to your liking. Just don't let things go beyond the return period described on their website.



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dont touch that lens!! send it in! i had that same problem. bought a 28 elmarit used. it was fine for a few years, although i did notice the clicks werent nearly as crisp as my other lenses. but i used it anyway, and it was fine. then about a month ago, i pull the camera with the 28 on it out of my bag, the the aperature ring was loose, you could pull it forward and backward, and the ring turned totally smoothly. no clicks at all. it was like, somehow, the whole front part of the lens barrel moved up a few cms. i dont know how else that much space could form, where the ring could be pulled up and down. anyway, took it to tamarkin, and they sent it out. turns out that that problem can either be a cheap fix, or very expensive. theres a little ball bearing in there that makes those clicks, and its like the tighter a fit all the lens pieces are around the aperature ring, the more defined the clicks will be. if the ball is still there, perfectly round, and can be picked out and reset, then its a cheap fix. they just resent it, relube all in there, pack the rings tight, and thats it. the expensive fix happens when that little ball gets crushed, because the lens barrel has been turned alot with the ball not properly set. so dont touch it!!! send it in somewhere, esp. to tamarkin. now, my lens clicks are actually way more defined than before, which is great.
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I used to own a 35 Cron v4, which I bought new in 1985.


Right out of the box, the aperture ring was much looser than on any other Leitz or Leica lens I have ever owned. A second problem was that the lens hood wasn't level when the front element was fully screwed in.


I know the v4 has its supporters. It certainly is a small, lightweight lens and a capable performer. However, in terms of build quality, my experience has been that both the older Leitz lenses and the newest Leica lenses are superior. Ultimately, I replaced my v4 with an ASPH which, nowadays, because of the v4 cult that has developed, isn't much more expensive, although it is better built and performs better wide open.


For what it's worth, my v4 was Canadian. Perhaps there was an improvement in build quality late in the production life of the lens, when I believe production was moved to Germany -- not a German vs. Canadian thing, but just rather a tightening up of production standards. But I have no evidence of that.


As to the focusing stiffness, try working it back and forth for a while, to redistribute the lubricant -- unless it feels like there is no lubricant at all. In that case, either send it back or send it in for service, depending on the price you paid.


Good luck in any case. Once you have these problems straightened out, you'll see the lens is capable of great performance.

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Believe it or not, the German 35mm pre-asph has better quality control - especially the chrome one. Most of the loose ones reported were earlier Canadian ones, whereas German ones (with SN after 36*****) are usually ok. BUT i believe it is the case with 35mm pre-asph only.
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I can send the lens back to KEH to return it, or have it fixed at no cost. Or I can send the lens to DAG, and the estimate is $35. I really like the size of the lens, so I guess i'm not returning it. But I doubt it that KEH will fix it back to normal. Any suggestion? DAG for 35 dollars, or KEH at no cost? Thanks!
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