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What's the best way to print an index (proof) sheet?

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I'd like to print professional lab-like index sheets of my photos

for clients. What's the best approach to doing so? I tried using

the canon zoombrowser ex software (that came w/ my 10D) w/it's built

in index printing program. Eventhough I printed it on my epson

2200, which is color managed by my spyder w/ optical, the results

were unnsatisfactory. The layout was great, but the color rendition

was dark, washed out, and greenish (and I even made sure that all of

the printer settings were right before hand). So, then I tried the

print index function in the Canon Eos viewer utility software (that

came w/ my 20D). I had the same problems, but what made it worse,

was that I couldn't figure out any way to layout the index page.

The images were tiny, and all justified to the top left of the

page. Also, each picture had the time and date the picture was

taken, which I don't want. I would really like to be able to do

this without having to buy new software. I also have Photoshop CS,

but have not explored that option yet. If you have any experience

with this your input would be greatly appreciated.

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I used the index print in Photoshop just as mentioned above. Tweak the default setting of 72dpi for a little better quality and you have the traditional contact sheet. If you want professional style you will need a studio managment software like Fugi StudioMaster Pro, which if you sell pics is a good investment and is now what I use. You can also check with your pro photo lab to see if they have SW you can have access to. (http://www.studiomasterpro.com/)


If you use the Adobe Automate Index you might as well do the batch rename as well to make your photo index more organized. Good Luck!

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Greg, I use iView (http://www.iview-multimedia.com/) to print my contact sheets. I like it because I am able to control the photo info that prints under each photo.


I also printed on the 2200 and I turned ON the color management in the print driver (where as with PS you turn it OFF). I used glossy paper (Non-premium) but set the print driver to Premium Glossy.


There are probably other programs that do similar if not a better job.



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