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Lens cap for ASPH 35 Cron

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I have a 35 ASPH Summicron with the rectangular plastic hood. The

goofy little rubber cap fell off on the subway one day and I'm unsure

where to get another, what the part number/name is, and if there might

be a better hood/cap combo.


Anyone ever had to replace one of these?

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The part # should be listed in the materials that came w/your lens (might be on the box, too); look on the Leica Camera web site if you got yours used. FYI, Adorama often has substantially lower prices (though still a lot for a piece of plastic/rubber) on Leica accessories than B&H. I know this because I had to replace the hood cap for my 35/1.4 Summilux-M ASPH (same deal as you, it fell off on the Metro, etc.).
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These are readily available from most decent Leica dealers (cost around 12 quid in the UK if I

recall correctly). Looking at mine it has a part number of 14043 on the back. I'm always

losing this cap but, strangely enough, I always seem to find it again (usually lying on the

ground somewhere).

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Excellent. I'll run up to Adorama at lunch today.

I think I'll poke a hole in the cap and tie it to the body at one of the lugs or something. I hadn't planned to replace it, but this weekend I was at the beach and my M6 tipped over from where it was sitting on my bag and was facing up for about 30 seconds. I realized that a cap might be essential for me in those circumstances where I'm absent-mindedly chatting with people in the noon-day sun ;)

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I lost my cap and, after paying the hefty replacement charge, bought one of those "cap keepers" that stick onto the cap and anchor to the strap lugs. The trick was to use a paper clip on the end of the lanyard, so it could be quickly un-hooked when changing lenses. Worked just fine.
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Amazing, $30 for that little piece of plastic. Makes me shudder to think of all the times I have had to go running back to look for it after I realized I had dropped it! (Luckily, I always managed to find it.) Amazing that I spent only a little more than that (about $45, I think) for an entire used lens on ebay! (A 50 1.7 for my Minolta Maxxum 7...a not bad little lens for the price.)
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