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Keywording problems with Bridge

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This is driving me nuts. I am keywording hundreds of photos for my Stock agency using

Bridge. It kind of works fine most of the time but occassionally Bridge will crash and

although the keywords are saved with each image, most of the keyword folders and lists

are lost. This is absolutely infuriating as it takes ages to make these individual folders.

Anyone have similar troubles and what to suggest.





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Bridge is especially clumsy in handling keywords, and it stores metadata in a central database or outboard .xmp files which can get separated from the image files if you are not careful in how you move files around.


I use iView MediaPro for all annotations. It's much better than Bridge at handling database functions.



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<p>Adobe Bridge can be a pain but I have automated it via photoshop to web-gallery generate pages for my <a href=http://www.bourdetphoto.com> website </a> . Each photo in a given gallery is tagged with the target gallery name and then I use Bridge collections to gather all galley photos to one bridge window and process them via a proprietary javascript batch script. Yes, sometimes Bridge does crash -- it seems mostly when I am running short on memory. I have found though that by reviewing each of these target photos within bridge each of the emmbeded keywords are reloaded into the Bridge Keywords lists, available for reselection and not lost at all. I also have over 100 distinct keywords so If I were to lose the list I would be hurting... </p><br>


<p>I currently have over 20gb, over 900 files, of these finished photos which bridge collections has no problem searching through and since I have custom scripted this I am not sure how well other programs such as Bibble will retain the keywords in a compatible way with Photoshop.</p>



<p>I have not had enough issues with bridge for any of this to be a real problem but, considering the above behavior, it might be a good technique to create a single dummy photo with ALL keywords selected from the list -- then it would take only one photo review to reload all keywords into the Bridge Keyword list.</P> <br>



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Also - in responce to your also...


The Bridge window interface has a separate keywords tab which is found right next to the metadata tab in the filemanager area if the window. It is this keywords list that I am refering to. Perhaps you were not aware of this or are using Bridge in a mode that does not display the file data.



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In responce to a responce above...<br>


Bridge does store metadata in central database or separate xmp files <b> for raw files only </b> and that is specifically the raw converter metatdata. However for my finished files, which are tiff files, the file metadata is embeded in the exif fields of the tiff file itself. </p><br>


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  • 1 year later...



<p>If you don't mind working with Bridge, then upgrade to the latest version (2.1) as it now has support for storing keywords in a hierarchy, which can be imported and exported as a tab delimited text file. </p>


<p>I have some info on installing and applying keywords using Adobe Bridge at: <a href="http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/help/cvkc-bridge.html" target="_blank">http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/help/cvkc-bridge.html</a></p>


<p>Of course, there are a number of other applications that have as good or better ways of applying keywords and other metadata. You can see a list of the better applications that allow the importing of a set of keyword terms at: <a href="http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/support.html" target="_blank">http://www.controlledvocabulary.com/support.html</a></p>


These include Adobe Lightroom 1.2, Apple Aperture 1.5, BreezeBrowser, FotoStation, IDimager, Image Info Toolkit, iView MediaPro / Expression Media, Photo Mechanic, StockView / METAmachine.</p>


<p>Hope that helps.</p>



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  • 3 months later...
  • 10 months later...

<p>hi guys , im wondering if anyone can shed a little light on this metadata situation ?</p>

<p>i recently re-installed creative suit to realise that my metadata was unnacunted for, duh! but its not as bad as it sounds, still rather stressful tho as its all in my folders xmp files, problem is bridge takes way long to re initiate them to the keyword list, theres more than 60gbs of raw images and i just want them to show up in the keyword pannel so i can continue the good work. and not having to preiview however many thousand images to put keywords back in the list that bridge forgets everytime i restart it, yep, thats right, i even tried re importing them from the keyword pannel but truth is im not completelly sure which is the right keyword file. as i have a backup of my adobe bridge cache folder full of MYD and frm and MYI files , im sure i can just get the list back,</p>

<p>i tried replacing the cache directorys contents with the old one, and that didnt work so i think ill have to go thru the gui. any pointers on what file i need to import to get my keyword list back for good?</p>



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