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EF85 1,2

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The old version is tested and reviewd at several sites<p>

- <a href="http://www.luminous-landscape.com/reviews/lenses/85mm.shtml">Luminous Landscape</a><br>

- <a href="http://www.photozone.de/8Reviews/lenses/canon_85_12/index.htm">Photozone</a><br>

- <a href="http://www.photodo.com">Photodo</a> (MTF-curves)<p>

There are also user reviews at:<br>

- <a href="http://www.photographyreview.com">Photographyreview</a><br>

- <a href="http://www.photozone.de">Photozone</a><p>

I've got the old version and it is really an unbelievable piece of engineering. But, it's suitable only for very very still life for the focus is record breaking slow. It's so slow that if the MkII is said to be 1.7-1.8 times faster, even the new one is still extremely slow. It's totally incompatible for sports or reportage. Also notice that the much cheaper EF85/1.8 is an extremely good lense and it drives donuts around f/1.2 version during this focusing.<p>

When the aperture gets bigger that f/1.8 the dof sort of explodes. The f/1.2 is almost theoretical set up for its unpractical dof - you only get the eyelash tip sharp and everything else is already soft (slight exaggeration, but still).

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Yep, they say it's 1.8 times faster focusing than the old version of the 85mm f1.2 L, which is still slower than the 85mm f1.8,.. The slowness of that lens was the reason why I never bought it in the first place.. which is too bad.. I wish they'd come out with a faster focusing f1.4 version like everyone else.. :-p



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