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Canon 55mm 1.2 chrome nose


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Hi, I just aquired this lens from ebay. I would like to know if

anybody used this lens before. Is there any difference between SSC

version and crome nose version? I wonder which of two lens have

better optical performance. I love the build quality of vintage

Canon lenses. Any answer will be apperciated.

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This lens is the same optical formula as the 55 FL f1.2. Based on an 55mm FL I had and stupidly sold, its as sharp as nearly any Canon 50 from f4 on. If Gary Reese's tests (google Gary Reese, Canon FD lens tests) are any indication, lenses of that era didn't seem to benefit in resolution from older version to SSC coated versions, although microcontrast may have improved. I still am amazed at the image quality from stuff I shot 30 years ago. Its soft from 1.2 to 2.8, useful in some situations. See

http://www.dougnelsonphoto.com/-/dougnelsonphoto/detail.asp?photoID=15709&cat=107 for a shot at f2.8. I will buy one of these FD versions when I have the time to fool around on the auction sites, as I miss that old lens.

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I have that chrome nose lens and like it very much for the little bit I've used it. This lens is supposed to be the same as the FL 55/1.2, which I thought was a great lens. Wide open, the flare and contrast are not as good as my chrome nose 50/1.4. Of course it is not as good as the 55/1.2 ASPH, but it is several hundred dollars less expensive.


I have used the chrome nose FD BL lenses, SSC/SC FD BL lenses, and the FDn (all black bayonet) lenses. I have heard much anecdotal evidence that the chrome nose lenses perform the best. What can be measured is that the optical coatings and formulas are the same as the later SSC/SC lenses. Also the chrome noses lenses are heavier! (except the 55/1.2) I have found that with use, the FDn lenses develop rotational slop. I have seen no ill effects from use with the chrome nose or SSC/SC lenses.




You should be very happy with that lens.

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