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WTB Cassets for my Kiev 303


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  • 10 months later...

That's OK - I suddenly saw it and thought

you maybe had had no input.


I bought a 30M for fun and to satisfy a question.

Could the Kiev capstan that turns the inside

of the teke-up spool be interchanged with a Minolta?


Yup, I did it, and now have a Kiev 30M that takes only

Minolta cassettes and a Minolta that takes both. :-)

The point is - if you can't get Minolta cassettes and

you really believe Minolta is better, then buy the

cheapest Kiev 3xx and switch the innards.


My biggest gripe is my scanners have so much trouble

'seeing' the tiny frames and I have had to go back

to wet printing. :-(


Anyway -




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