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Artisan and Artist Camera Straps

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Unfortunately I don't have a strap for my Mamiya NC1000 35mm system or my big old Fuji 690ii


Having said that, the Mamiya and two lenses cost $40 and the Fuji 690ii cost $80. Perhaps one day when I can afford a strap I will get one. My other Fuji g690bl brass beast weighs in at 2.2 kg and has the original leather strap. I have a Rollecord 4 and a Mamiya DTL 1000 on the way too, I hope they come with straps.



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Alfie, I'm allergic to neoprene, found out the hard way: a terrible rash on my neck from a camera strap. The best deal around in perfectly servicable camera straps are Canon EOS straps at KEH. They're dirt cheap. I pick up one or two whenever I buy anything from KEH. If you don't like the EOS label, turn 'em over or scrape it off.
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I use the A&A wrist strap (ACAM-290) and find it extremely comfortable and unobtrusive. The leather is soft and pliable and after continuous use it retains the particular shape that it forms when curled around your wrist, like a second skin. People here may be quick to denigrate their products without ever using them, but they are very well thought-out.
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Why would anyone with a Leica be worried about the price of a strap? And I'm not talking just 'looks', but function too. A strap has as much contact with you as the camera and can over the life of a camera become part of it. A strap isn't just to carry the camera, it can work with the camera and how you hold it. It is arguably the most important accessory for your camera.


That said... I got the 'artisan & artist' ACAM-280 strap at a camera show this past year - like I need another strap? - but, its very nice and for my use the best I've found, my 40 year old Leica strap is not a sure thing at that age, you hear stories about old strap failure. I like the color (hay, I have to live with this every day), two layers of sewn laminated leather, a different gray/army-green leather on the topside and burgandy/brown on the reverse, no metal except the lug rings and they have leather guards, I've found I don't like metal on a strap as I 'wrap' the camera with it when its the bag, and not any need to adjust as I get used to one length. Its fits over one shoulder with some room down at my side, or securely across the chest if I don't want it bouncing around, nice soft smooth leather on the hands, and very sturdy, looks great with a chrome camera.


I also have a ACAM-104 made of thin nylon with wider cloth shoulder area for my ALPA 12. It makes the heavier camera comfortable to carry around. The nylon part is soft and strong and is not in the way and the cloth part of the strap puts the weight over a larger area. Again very well made.

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The idea -- promoted by marketers -- that cars are about more than just "transportation" is responsible for the waste of untold resources and the generation of untold amounts of pollution. A Chevette is a much more socially-responsible car than most of what's on the road.
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