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Dynaphos lights

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Does any body use this lighying kit or know if its any good ?


Complete Small Product Lighting Kit by DynaPhos�

Includes two light heads, two softboxes, two dome accessory kits,

two light stands with casters and four 500W bulbs


also does any body know about Amvona.com good/bad/indifferant



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Sorry Ross, never seen one myself.


It claims that "DynaPhosル light kits are also perfect for digital imaging, portraiture, still photography, video, film and internet / web product shots." It also uses the word 'professional' and is some kind of continuous lighting but they don't give details. Hmmn...


Have you seen this? http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00Futx&tag=

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Ross, Garry and Brooks "schooled" me a about 6 months ago when I tried to get decent shots of a polished wooden bowl with curved sides. The bowl was only about 12" in diameter and maybe 3" high, but even a 5 foot softbox was just enough. Those little s/b's that come with that kit are just too small for much use, and the lights aren't throwing much usable light (but plenty of heat)
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I'd forgotten your b***** turned bowl - glad you found our nagging useful...


Ross, take a look at Jims' thread, he cracked his problem very well and has also made a very valid comment about the softbox size - as a very general rule softboxes need to be at least 3 x the size of a simple-shape reflective subject and as close as possible, but with his bowl the shape was complex and so needed a much bigger light source.


But to get back to the point I made earlier, diffused lighting (although almost a standard in product shots) isn't always enough in itself and you may need the opposite effect, maybe honeycomb grids for example, depending on your subjects and the type of effects you need to get. That might be very difficult with this type of light.

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This company (well, at least its local dealer) has good rep among experienced amateurs and

even semi-pros in Bulgaria. I know people who managed to assemble kits for around 500eu

and they are very pleased with the performance. Don't know how their products would

compare against other more popular brands, cost or performance-wise. The brand is Czech

or Polish afaik.

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Good question. It was shot using Norman pack and head strobe systems. I don't remember exactly... Seems like I was hitting the head underneath with 200ws from a P800D pack and I was varying the light even more with a set of barn doors. The 5ft octobox/head above was being driven by a P20/20 pack which has about a 1 stop variator and I'm pretty sure I was dialing in somewhere between 800 and 400 ws. Sorry, it was 6+ months ago. I should of made more notes. I was more concerned with the quality of the light and controlling reflections.


Can't really equate that to hotlight wattages.

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