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ACR RAW image looks different when opening in CS2?

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Hi everyone,


I'm just curious as to why images look slightly different in the

Adobe Camera RAW window versus after opening in Photoshop CS2 for

further editing. Different as in the color mostly.


For example, I may have a shot that looks great in ACR after

whitebalance, then once I click "OPEN" in photoshop it is still

white balanced but the temperature is a little different than how it

looked back in ACR.


I'm wondering, are there some sort of color mangagement settings I'm

overlooking in ACR and PSCS2? I'm working in sRGB in PS but I swear

my color looks more vibrant and correct in ACR.


Any ideas? Thanks,

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What *may* be happening is that the Nikon Raw Plug-In may be hijacking your work in Camera Raw. An easy test is to take one of the sliders (Saturation for example) and push it all the way and then bring the RAW image into PS and see if it comes in like that.

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