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Finally bought a Leica lens


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I have a IIf and had been using a CV 35mm lens. On a recent trip to Chicago I

discovered Central Camera and found a 50mm Elmar dating to 1948 by the serial

number. On visual inspection the lens looks very good but when I shined a small

flashlight through it I see some dust and a very light haze.


I decided to buy it anyway and have it serviced. On my way back to the hotel I

ran into Democracy in action:












I've made arrangements to have it CLAed but I was very impressed with the

results. Listing you're favorite 50s for screw mount which would you say was

the best?




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Thanks everyone, I wrestled with months deciding which lens to buy and even bought a real nice Leica book that describes all the bodies and lenses.


I don't know too much about Leica but have repaired a few other cameras. I wanted to clean this one myself but not having opened one before I am a little afraid. I guess what I'm looking for is how bad would a lens have to look on the inside before you have it cleaned? I only see dust when I shine a bright light through it.

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Thanks Jim, I tend to agree with you. My main worry I guess what if something is growing? Would it be stopped by a good cleaning? I will take your advice and shoot some more with it and just quit worrying.


Arthur what part of people seeking peace is inflammatory? Is it just the color of their scarfs you find disturbing? I spent the day with these people and didn't see one bomb. What is disturbing to me is how quickly you judged these people.


Jeffery I have that book and I'll look that up for you. This little book has everything you could want to know about Leica lenses and bodies. All it did was for me is make me want more stuff.

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Michael. Please do not try to clean this lens yourself. And when having it cleaned make sure it is not treated as if its a modern lens ; you will loose all of the coatings. These old Leitz coated, inner lens surfaces can be cleaned in a chemical bath. THEY MUST NOT BE TOUCHED.


I might have reproduced what others have said, here, but I didn't read any of it in the rush to get this up.



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Thanks Adrian, Andy, and Mike, I'm going to take everyone's advice and just shoot rolls and rolls of film with this lens. I'll wait on the cleaning until I see something goofy. I wish I could find someone to blame for this Leica lens addiction I feel coming on.


Alot of people say, "Wait until you try a M series Leica". I still haven't got past the WOW of the IIf. I'm already considering a IIIf now.

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I bought a nice one thinking it was clean, but i did not have a flashlight. The pics were nice, but not spectacular. The flashlight confirmed some almost invisable haze.


DAG cleaned it and the results were well worth it. I have concluded after having the Elmar and a Summitar cleaned from similar condition, any haze at all degrades the tonal reproduction. Sharpness is not effected with light haze.

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Hi Bob, and thank you. All shots were negatives scanned by the lab and saved to JPG files. Film I believe in all cases was Ilford XP2 Super 400 ASA, except the Summitar shot might have been Fuji NPH 400 Pro. I merged three JPG files using Photoshop.
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Well done by the way. Very PJ.


Only Newt Gingrich has it right. This WW3 and we need to go farther than even Bush has done or get out of Afghanistan and Iraq all togeather.


Instead of spending that $11million an hour on a Vietnamization style policy doomed to fail, we need a Manhattan styled project to end the worlds oil dependence. Then who would care if they killed each other.


We lost this war 35 years before we even knew it started.

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