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Foma 200 in Rodinal

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Well if I was going for fine grain I would not have used Rodinal. I was going for tonal range. I still have another roll I will put it through D-76 and let you know about the grain. I have never ever had great luck with T-max that is why I tend to shoot "Silver" films. I just happened to get these 2 rolls to fill out an order.


I love the regular Foma films and the Adox/Efke films. I use alot of Plus-X and Tri-X also with a can of Double-X I am about to start playing with. In this day with the supply of B&W films in doubt at times I want to try everything I can.



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It was at 1-50. I have 100 feet of Adox 100 that the first roll gets 1-100 I also am putting some Pan-F+ through it. Rodinal is my new toy because I recently got ahold of alot of it along with alot of Agfa film. I have a friend who uses it 1-200 2 minute adjitation then 45-60 min stand..... I want to try that soon but I have been a little busy with a daughter getting married.... As soon as that is over I will be shooting 24-7 Ya I wish....


Look here fore other stuff I have done I use many differant cameras films and developers. I am an advanced amature and it is all a hobby to me.. I love to play with new films and Developers.I plan on Mixing up some Cachet AB Panthernmic tomorrow. It is suposed to be like Harvy's Panthermic 777.


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Lots of experience with Foma 200 here.


Foma 200 is NOT a T-grain film, to begin with, it's a total misnomer; perhaps it was intended to be made with the T technology, but now the 35 mm film sold as Foma 200 Creative is a traditional emulsion.


I like the look of it a lot, however I'm not using it now simply because it happens that some batch Nos show small defects: specks and scratches along the whole film. Also the film's advantage of being inexpensive isn't valid any more, since for the same money I can buy Ilford Pan 100 here in Poland; a lot more stable and reliable material.


Provided the film you buy isn't defective, it's capable of producing admirable results giving good sharpness, sufficiently fine grain, allowing for flexibility in contrast control, and possessing the overall 'classical' look.


According to my purely practical tests Foma 200 E.I. is 100 - 125, with very short development times. I tried it in combination with D.76 1+1, Microphen 1+2, Rodinal 1:50, PC-TEA and FX-37. Below is a link to a pretty representative sample of what to expect from Foma (free from specks and scratches for a change...)



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That is why I said "Supposed T-Film" It is differant from the Foma 100. In Diafine it is a solid 400. where 320-350 is where Foma 100 goes with Diafine. Ilford is nice film I use Pan-F+ alot .. I get it for $12.00 a 100 feet. 35.5 meters I think in metric...


Adox film is improved now also... It took people complaining .... so if you have a problem with a film complain....




I want to get to Poland some day .....



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<p>Hey. Is that Father Guido Sardutchi? ;)</p>


<p>I bought some of that labeled as the Arista.edu Ultra 200. I haven't decided if I like it yet though.</p>


<p><a href="http://static.flickr.com/62/191639021_91366ed7eb_b.jpg">This one was developed in Perceptol 1+0 for 6min</a></p>


<p><a href="http://static.flickr.com/69/191636233_cab0e1237c.jpg">And this in PMK 1:2:50 for 8min (IIRC)and shot it at 250</a></p>


<p>The negs look much better in Perceptol than in PMK, but I'm very new to PMK so that could very well be me instead of the combo.</p>


<p>Hard to tell from web photos, I know.</p>

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I like the PMK examples much bettter than the Perceptol.



I've used a lot of this film, and like it very much. I shoot it at box speed and have never seen a manufacturing defect of any kind. Lucky, I guess. As Kirk can attest, this film stains beautifully, and grain is similar to FP4+. Development times are very short, shorter than Pan F+ by a small margin. One thing I like about this film is that it is available in a wide range of formats, and as Arista Edu. Ultra, it's very inexpensive. This is, in my experience, a high quality film.



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Some more examples of Fompan 200 this time in Fomadon R09, the Czech alternative for Rodinal.

It's a view of the city Prague.

T200 35mm is in grain just acceptable with R09/Rodinal.


I think the Q.C. of Foma is further improved the last years. When there is a complaint they take the case very serious. About the E.I.: Indeed you have to pull the T200 and specially the Fomapan 400 to get enough detail in the shadows. In most developers you will reach indeed around 125-160 iso with this film.




Best regards,



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"Hey. Is that Father Guido Sardutchi? ;)"


Must be,he has an Alice Cooper t-shirt on.

I like all of those. I see that the Foma films are great.. though I am still undecided on the 400. D-76 seems to make it flat and Rodinal is too grainey. but it shines in Diafine at 1000 go figure.


P.S. the good Father is your's truely



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Jay, are you using it in PMK? I was guessing at times as there is hardly any info out there on this film. What times / quantities are you using? These were my first attempts at PMK.


I knew it was you, Larry. I think you posted that before on Craig's site. Just jabbin' ya. :)

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