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Any LF Photographers In Portland, Oregon?


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Consider joining the Portland Photographers Forum, http://www.portlandphotoforum.org/ We're off for the summer, but meet monthly, organize workshops and have great speakers. There's everyone from digital only to 8x10 only folks. The Portland Art Museum also has a group dedicated to photography of all types, check with the museum. There are other groups in town as well, check with some of the galleries in town. There's an impressive amount of excellent photography and photographers in Portland.
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Ron - I'm in SE Portland and use 4x5 too. Myself and about 4 other guys that shoot mostly large format have been getting together at the Lucky Lab Pub in inner SE Portland once a month for the last few years to talk photography and share photos.


It's an informal group, if you're interested send me an email at kirk@keyesphoto.com and I can give you more detail.



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