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Xpan Velvia 100F and Germany


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I am going to Germany for just a few short days. Landing in Frankfurt, then driving to

Rothenburg, Rhine River, Leipzig. I am taking my Minolta a200 and my XPAN with Velvia. If

anybody can give me a few pointers or places that are a must see in these areas, I would

aprreciate it.



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I don't think you'll have much of a problem finding interesting things to photograph -

regardless of where you go. That, actually, is the problem since there is way too much to

see, forcing you to limit yourself tremendously. For example, I visited Germany just about

a month ago and drove around the area a little north of Frankfurt with a roadmap in my

hand that also had little markings for castles. I decided to give it a try and quickly felt

overwhelmed by how many castles there were. But then again, I love to visit and

photograph them. Here are some sites that helped me make a decision where to go:






Frankfurt is certainly not the most attractive city in the world but there are plenty of

charming places in the city that are not necessarily the tourist hotspots - for those touristy

areas, just pick up any guide book and venture about. I've always enjoyed walking around

the Main Promenade on the Sachsenhausen side - it's a lovely park-like area with

applewine (the local specialty dring) bars strewn about in front of the skyline. Sit down,

enjoy the local drink, and take photos of city life.


Rothenburg is very touristy and once you get there, you'll know why. If you are even

slightly intersted in medieval architecture, you'll be in heaven.


The Rhine is a very long river and since you didn't specify where you are going, here's a

site that lists about 30 castles and palaces along the Rhine (parts of the site are in English,





Aside from these castles, there are many, many lovely towns, depending on the region. I

really enjoy the town of Eltsville - near Wiesbadenn (and therefore, close to Frankfurt).

Cologne and it's gothic cathedral are also worth a visit - don't forget to climb the tower

and count the number of steps.


I've never been to Leipzig, sorry.

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I live in Wiesbaden, and I can certainly agree that Eltville am Rhein is a great little town. There is a great chateau resort there run by the Kempinski group that has a great wine cellar with its own wonderful Riesling vintages.


Leipzig is fairly industrial, and I still consider eastern Germany as a recovering area because of the Soviet rule. Fifteen years has done a lot to bring the former DDR into the modern age, but there is still a lot of work left to do.


Since you are driving from Frankfurt to Rothenberg o.d. Tauber, you will pass through the city of Würzburg. I definitely recommend stopping to see the Residenz (the local Prince-Bishop's answer to Versailles), the Kappelle (a Baroque chapel in the hills over the city), and the Festung Marienberg (the fortress overlooking the town, home of the Prince-Bishops until the Residenz was built). The Prince-Bishop's Jagdschloß (hunting lodge) is in nearby Veitshöchheim and is also worth a stop.

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As far as Köln (Cologne), it is a great city, but it's in the opposite direction you have planned -- it's west on the A3, while Würzburg and Rothenberg are both east. So, it might not fit in too well with the trip you have planned.


Rothenberg is a great town -- I hope you enjoy it. It's a little touristy, but it's REALLY scenic. What gets me is that the most scenic part of the town, the park overlooking the river, is usually the emptiest part. I guess people like Christmas ornaments better than the great view...whatever.

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Hi Brian,<br> my recommendation for the Francfort-Rothenburg part of your journey is quite simple: Follow the Main river as closely as possible, and - at Wertheim - drive along the Tauber to Rothenburg. Thereby you will miss Wuerzburg, but this will be more than balanced by seeing such beautiful places like Miltenberg; Wertheim; Kloster Bronnbach ( an romantic, isolated cisterciense monastry); Weikersheim with its marvellous castle and baroque garden; Creglingen with its masterpiece of a Gothic altar( by Riemenschneider)- not to mention all other wonderful small towns and places along both rivers which I cannot list here. If you take "Autobahn" Francfort-Wuerzburg, and then "Wuerzburg-Ulm" to Rothenburg, you would pass most of the "treasures" without seeing them.<p>

I grew up 32km from Rothenburg, hence my familiarity with the region. For more infos - send me a pm. <br> Uli

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