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LOMO Smena 8M -- anyone?

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hi there,

I really luv my Smena -- it's like Christmas every time I shoot it --

never know what i get on film -- have to guess distance and focus &

never know if f stop will work (actually I can be only sure about

the shutter speed); with all that guess work I do manage get way too

many 'standard' looking shots. Any Smena/Lomo lovers out there to

tell me how to get most 'lomo-ed' shots? <P />



src=http://mariaszulc.net/storageroom/GRpejzaz.jpg><P /><br><br>

<img src=http://mariaszulc.net/storageroom/Lboobie.jpg></br></center>

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Congratulations! I used to have a Smena 8M (since given to my brother) and it was a lot of fun. IMHO, Lomo-esque shots have a few basic qualities: high color saturation, long shutter speeds (sometimes), and are often grab shots "in your face". Keeping this in mind, I would use a cheap print film with good saturation characteristics, like Fuji (I was happy with ASA 200 Super HQ), set the shutter on "B" and hold it open to experiment with longer shutter speeds, and get closer to your subject.


The Smena 8M viewfinder is basically a chunk of glass with no provision to match the angle of the the 40mm lens "sees", and you will actually capture a wider angle than what is shown in the viewfinder, so don't be afraid to get close.


If interested, you can view a few of my modest Smena & SuperSampler pics <a href="http://www.lomohomes.com/prof_utonium" >here</a>

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Well, mine was able to produce better sharpness than that. But i only used it with very crappy black and white film of those red times. It's not a very good camera, i have to say. But it can take pictures.
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<p>I too had a Smena 8m when I was a kid (lived in Moscow for a few years 1979-1982). And it used to take great photos. We used ORWO slide and print films. I recently found a smena cosmic symbol at a flea market and I was equally impressed with it. This is a real camera and the results at apertures smaller than f8 are comparable to the more expensive cameras. I have a bunch of recent Smena photos lying somewhere (I'll scan them in when I get a little extra time) and I found I had pretty good results even with the lens wide open.</p>

<p>I have attached a photo that I took from my apartment. I think it was f11 1/125. The print is very sharp.</p>

<p>To improve your focus problem, I have found it easier to use zone or pre-focussing. Say if you set the lens to f8, if you pre-focus at 30 feet, you will have everything from 15 feet to infinity in focus. If you pre-focus for middle distance objects, set your focus at 15 feet and you'll have between 10 feet and 30 feet in focus. For close objects, set focus at 7 feet and you'll have a zone of 6-10 feet in focus. It's not too bad that way. </p><div>00CYyy-24169784.jpg.bb8683e91a5b9448b0132c953c1c46cb.jpg</div>

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hey, really really thanks everyone -- my Smena is also capable of taking sharp pics. The problem is that both distance and f-stop scales (and AS0/DIN scale) are located on the same ring; when I try to set distance, the little plastic black ring with two red dots that supposed to indicate f-stops and DIN settings move along unless I remember to reset it -- & vice versa. Moreover, there seem to be limited f stop/ distance combination allowable - if I set the distance at 2 meters, I may only use at the aperture of f4. More weirdly, the longer the distance, the more options in aperture are allowed -- at f16 the max. aperture, everything is in focus, at least it should -- that wasn't the case with the first shots I posted here, he he he. I know I should run a test but .... if any of you still has a Smena at home, would you mind checking out if that's the way it was designed or my 'Smenka' is damaged. Well, I could tape the movable distance scale ring to the static one, I suppose, so it won't move so easily.


BTW -- sharp photos is not what I'm after -- but I'd like to be able to decide this myself. I use $1.90 Fuji 200 and 15 minute lab ($2.50 per roll).


Here's one of my very first shots. <P />


<center><img src=http://mariaszulc.net/storageroom/images/babushka600.jpg> <br /> <P> below is what I want to get out of my LOMO should look more like this -- blurred cause shutter speed was at 1/15 of a second but sharp. I don't remember what I did with the f-stop and distance scale but it worked.<P />

<img src=http://mariaszulc.net/storageroom/images/doggie.600.jpg></center>

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Maria, I really like the dog shot! It looks like you don't need any help getting Lomo photos! I now understand your problem with the Smena - the aperture ring should not be turning when you focus (at least mine didn't). You might try placing a small piece of gaffer's tape touching the aperture ring to provide some friction to keep it from moving.


The quality control on these cameras is not the best - I removed my film counter gear because the teeth did not mesh properly and caused the film hang on advancement. I also removed the lens and slightly tightened the screws holding the shutter blades because one would not close every time. Lastly, I flocked the interior with Krylon ultra-flat black paint to minimize internal reflections and incraese saturation (you may have noticed some "light" bars which tend to frame some shots in sunny conditions).

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Hello all,


Yesterday from the flea market I bought two new (with pack but no manual or case) LOMO Smena 8M for US$ 1.50. It was so cheap that I thought of having two.


I haven't loaded the film is them as yet. I am sure it will be fun camera.


Good day and regards,



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