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Sandisk Extreme 3 4GB and D70 Compatability


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Do check the write speeds though. If my memory serves, you really don't get any real benefit in write speed between an Ultra II and an Extreme III with a D70.


If that is the case, save your money and just get Ultra IIs (and more of them for the same amount of dough), unless you're planning on upgrading to a D200 or other camera that will benefit from the added write speed soon.


Darn it, can't remember the site where they have tested writespeeds in various cameras, hopefully someone will post it here. :)

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I have used the 4GB Extreme 3 with the D70. As far as I could find, my D70 would only address 2 GB. This meant that I had to use the switch on the side of the card to select the upper or lower 2 GB portion of the card.


It was like having a spare card stored in the camera. I would shoot to near full, pull the card out, flip the switch, and reinsert the card.


I was somewhat worried about breaking the little switch on the side of the card. I preferred just using two 2 GB Extreme 3 cards with the D70.


My final solution was to get a D200 to go with my 4 GB card. (OK, there might have been a few other reasons for the D200.)


Carl Bochmann

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