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T-Max Developer

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Hi Peoples


I have a chance to get alot of T-Max developer for real cheap. It is in 757 ml

bottles that make 1 gallon of working solution. I think it looks alot like HC-

110 and will last forever non mixed but how long will it last mixed? How does

it compare to D-76? Rodinal? Even HC-110? these are the developers I use now. I

use very few T-grain films but Then when I do use them I discovered D-76 makes

them shine.... I looked up all the times for it on the Massive Dev Chart and

find that it seems like a diluted HC-110 in times.....



Any help would be nice. No flames please



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Hi Larry.


Is it Tmax, or TmaxRS? I have no experience with Tmax, but TmaxRS is very nice, a lot like a liquid D-76, as far as I can tell. I used to use a lot of it, because I got a huge lot of it really cheap, and it sems to last forever in a sealed container. I think I still have one or two bottles. I understand there was a problem with Tmax and sheet film, but I don't remember the details. Sorry I can't be more help.



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I've used all three: tmax, tmax rs, and hc110.


tmax rs is generally used as a replenished system, usually by labs

what most people buy is the tmax roll film developer. tmax rollfilm dev. is diluted 1:4 or 1:9 from stock. From my experiences, it generally gives a bit more shadow detail than hc110 and I use it when I am pushing Tri-x. otherwise i still stick with hc110. HC110 in syrup form lasts almost forever, tmax rollfilm dev in stock form in a full bottle is supposed to last 1 year according to kodak but I've used a half full bottle that is almost 2 years old now with no ill results. ive used RS with TMY and it gave fine results but any developer with enough fine tuning would really... try it if you can get it for cheap, but if you like d76, why not just stick with it?

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I have been using TMax, HC-110 and D76 developer for many yaers and have been sticking mostly with TMax because I love the shadow detail that I get out it. All 3 developer are great and TMax is just more $$$$ than the others. You can see some of my work with all films that I have use with TMax in my profile. Note that I use all these developer at a higher temp and I have a Sidekick machine that process my negatives and never had any problem with the fast developing time.
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I use almost exclusivly T-max Dev and I must say it keeps very wel non-diluted. I once used a month old diluted solution by accident but I didn't see any difference with a fresh mixed solution. I don't recommend it to keep it this long but you can hold it this long if you must.
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TMax is a speed enhancing developer and in that respect it is similar to Ilford DDX. I've been unable to get DDX lately, so I have been using TMax for pushing Delta 100 to ISO 200, and for Tri-X at 400 and 800. It does give good shadow detail.


For Delta 100 at 50, I prefer Rodinal 1:50.


For Tri-X at 200 or 250, I'd stick with ID-11 or D-76.


Good shooting.


/s/ David Beal ** Memories Preserved Photography, LLC

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