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American Recorder Dust-Off cartridges


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Hi Guys:


I have been using an American Recorder blower to clean my equipment.

It uses CO2 cartridges like a pellet gun. I was wondering if anyone

has used the cartridges ment for pellet guns in this blower. I am

out of my refills, and they are expensive to get shipped to where I

live. The manual says only to use "American Recorder" refills,

because others may have lubricant in them. Personally, I think this

is a means to get you to buy only their refills. If anyone could

respond with their experience, it would be greatly appreciated!




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I think it means exactly what it says. It is very possible that CO2 carts intented for a pellent gun could have lube in the mix. If you try it I would'nt get it close to a lens or camera untill you made sure that there was no other compound besides C02 in the gas.


You might look to see if there is a food grade cart available. OR buy a bunch at one time to spread the shipping cost.

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I wonder if the CO2 carts I use in my seltzer maker are the same used in my bike tire pump? I wonder if these are the same as the ones used in CO2 guns? They all look the same except it doesn't say Remington on it. The seltzer maker and the pump are plain old generic CO2 carts I can get in my supermarket. Why don't you try it on a window pane or piece of glass to see if it has any residue?
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The issue is the purity of the air.


When air is compressed there is moisture built up. The pump that pressurize the air needs lubrication.


Before the air can be use for cleaning film and other optical insturments they must be filtered to remove the oil and moisture.


The lowest grade ones are the one for emergency tire inflation and similiar use.

Food grade depends on the specification. If the oil used in the lubrication of the compressor is edible then they might not remover 100% of it.

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Ummm.... CO2 is not compressed air, it's liquid carbonic in the cylinder, the same stuff used to make dry ice. The method of filling these carts is not via compressor. I can see the CO2 carts used for guns having a lubricant added and labeled as special use but not the seltzer makers and bike tire filler or geneal use carts sold in the supermarkets.
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