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Tripod for Mamiya m645


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Is there a rule of thumb for the weight a tripid should be able to

hold to hold the m645, a prime lens, and an AE prism? B&H has the

weight for all I mentioned as being about 3 lbs. So, could a tripod

like this http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?

O=cart&A=details&Q=&sku=377458&is=REG make do? I know a Manfrotto

would be better, but I simply can't afford it. Would this

alternative work? I apologize for the vagueness of this question,

but all other posts seemed to be about Manfrotto tripods for 6x7

cameras. Thanks a lot for any help.

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In the studio, where weight isn't an issue. I'd get the heaviest tripod I could afford. For field work, lightweight is a big issue. I always try to get a tripod thats rated almost double for what Im carrying. That would be my rule of thumb. So a 4lbs Mamiya would require an 8lbs rated head. It is always sturdier to use the heavier gear, than gear that is maxed out.
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The tripod you listed is way too light duty. We have one that my wife uses with a digital

camera (1/2 lb) and I wouldn't mount my lightest 35mm camera on it. It is way too flimsy and

I would expect it to collapse under the weight. :-) But it works for a flyweight camera used

indoors to take pics of craft projects.


I would second the recommendation that you consider a used (ebay or local shop) tripod that

will hold at least 10#. I use a Slik 700DX for both my M645 and RB67 and love it. I think the

Slik 330 & 400 would also be fine if you replaced the head. Sunpak makes a couple of tripod

that are identical to the Sliks but seem to show up at a slightly lower price.

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